2021-12-08 23:10:05 +01:00
local vim = require("vim")
local fn = vim.fn
-- Load in our default plugin independant LSP settings.
-- These are loaded from here, because we don't need them if we aren't using
-- these plugins, which actually load in the LSP configurations and install the
-- individual language servers. However it is possible to configure nvim
-- without these plugins and so this config is separated from the plugin
-- config. for more info, check the comments in lsp/init.lua
2021-12-09 00:54:06 +01:00
-- Configure nvim-cmp to respect LSP completions.
local cmp = require("cmp")
sources = {
{ name = "nvim_lsp" }
-- The nvim-cmp almost supports LSP's capabilities so you should advertise it to LSP servers
local cmp_capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
cmp_capabilities = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").update_capabilities(cmp_capabilities)
2021-12-08 23:10:05 +01:00
-- Load in the needed settigns for nvim-lsp-installer plugin.
-- This ensures automatic installation for the individual language servers.
local lsp_installer = require("nvim-lsp-installer")
-- Define some settings for the UI and installation path for the language
-- servers.
ui = {
icons = {
server_installed = "✓",
server_pending = "➜",
server_uninstalled = "✗"
keymaps = {
toggle_server_expand = "<CR>",
install_server = "i",
update_server = "u",
uninstall_server = "X",
install_root_dir = fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lsp_servers",
-- Define a table of requested language servers which should be automatically
-- installed.
-- NOTE: pylsp requires external installaion with
-- :PylspInstall pyls-flake8 pyls-mypy pyls-isort
local requested_servers = {
"clangd", "cmake", "omnisharp",
"cssls", "dockerls", "gopls", "html",
"hls", "jsonls", "jdtls", "tsserver",
"sumneko_lua", "pyright", "pylsp",
"sqlls", "vimls", "yamlls"
-- Go through the requested servers and ensure installation
-- Once the servers are ready, run setup() on them. This setup is basically
-- running the lspconfig.server.setup() which means lspconfig is needed to do
-- this.
local lsp_installer_servers = require('nvim-lsp-installer.servers')
for _, requested_server in pairs(requested_servers) do
local server_available, server = lsp_installer_servers.get_server(requested_server)
if server_available then
-- Setup the server once it will become ready
2021-12-09 00:54:06 +01:00
-- Advertise completion capabilities by nvim-cmp
local opts = { capabilities = cmp_capabilities }
2021-12-08 23:10:05 +01:00
-- If the server isn't yet installed, schedule the installation
if not server:is_installed() then
"Can't install: Language server " .. server .. " was not found - SKIPPED",
{ title = "Notification" }