2022-10-29 18:25:42 +00:00
!! This is not a comment, this is a invalid line which gets silently dropped
!! by uB if you paste into your dynamic filter rules
!! Blocking mode: hard mode with click2load 3p-frames
* * * noop
* * 1p-script noop
* * 3p block
* * 3p-frame noop
* * 3p-script block
* * image noop
* * inline-script noop
behind-the-scene * * block
!! Global CDN noops for common CDNs (mostly via CNAME)
* akamai.net * noop
* akamaiedge.net * noop
* akamaihd.net * noop
* akamaized.net * noop
* b-cdn.net * noop
* cdn.cloudflare.net * noop
* cloudfront.net * noop
* discourse-cdn.com * noop
* edgecastcdn.net * noop
* global.fastly.net * noop
* hwcdn.net * noop
* kxcdn.com * noop
* bootstrapcdn.com * noop
* map.fastly.net * noop
* netdna-ssl.com * noop
* wp.com * noop
* ajax.googleapis.com * noop
* jsdelivr.net * noop
* unsplash.com * noop
* cdn.embedly.com * noop
* wixmp.com * noop
!! Website building/caching tools
* cloudflare.com * noop
* prismic.io * noop
* googlehosted.com * noop
!! Website 3rd party utilities (trusted or simply necessary things)
* maps.googleapis.com * noop
* recaptcha.net * noop
* imgur.com * noop
* shields.io * noop
* gravatar.com * noop
2022-11-07 21:51:44 +00:00
* fontawesome.com * noop
2022-10-29 18:25:42 +00:00
2022-11-07 21:51:44 +00:00
!! Explicit blocks
!! (Even though we block all 3rd parties, mark these as explicitly denied,
!! they're evil and it makes manual overrides easier since we know what not
!! to even consider for overriding, and it also makes it easy to notice sites
!! that use one of these evil services)
2022-10-29 18:25:42 +00:00
* fonts.googleapis.com * block
* doubleclick.net * block
* sentry.io * block
* servedby-buysellads.com * block
* facebook.com * block
* facebook.net * block
!! Per-site (mostly noop) settings
! GitHub
github.com githubassets.com * noop
2022-11-07 21:52:02 +00:00
github.com githubusercontent.com * noop
2022-10-29 18:25:42 +00:00
! Google
accounts.google.com googleusercontent.com * noop
accounts.google.com gstatic.com * noop
accounts.google.com signaler-pa.googleapis.com * noop
accounts.google.com youtube.com * noop
developers.google.com gstatic.com * noop
developers.google.com googleusercontent.com * noop
drive.google.com googleusercontent.com * noop
drive.google.com gstatic.com * noop
docs.google.com googleusercontent.com * noop
docs.google.com gstatic.com * noop
mail.google.com googleusercontent.com * noop
mail.google.com gstatic.com * noop
translate.google.com googleusercontent.com * noop
translate.google.com gstatic.com * noop
www.youtube.com ggpht.com * noop
www.youtube.com google.com * noop
www.youtube.com googleusercontent.com * noop
www.youtube.com googlevideo.com * noop
www.youtube.com gstatic.com * noop
www.youtube.com jnn-pa.googleapis.com * noop
www.youtube.com ytimg.com * noop
! Microsoft crap
login.live.com * 3p noop
login.live.com * 3p-frame noop
login.live.com * 3p-script noop
login.microsoftonline.com * 3p noop
login.microsoftonline.com * 3p-frame noop
login.microsoftonline.com * 3p-script noop
outlook.live.com * 3p noop
outlook.live.com * 3p-frame noop
outlook.live.com * 3p-script noop
outlook.office365.com * 3p noop
outlook.office365.com * 3p-frame noop
outlook.office365.com * 3p-script noop
! Protonmail
mail.proton.me * 3p noop
mail.proton.me * 3p-frame noop
mail.proton.me * 3p-script noop
! Reddit
www.reddit.com redditmedia.com * noop
www.reddit.com redditstatic.com * noop
www.reddit.com redd.it * noop
! StackExchange
stackexchange.com sstatic.net * noop
stackexchange.com stackoverflow.com * noop
stackoverflow.com sstatic.net * noop
stackoverflow.com stackexchange.com * noop
askubuntu.com sstatic.net * noop
askubuntu.com stackexchange.com * noop
askubuntu.com stackoverflow.com * noop
superuser.com sstatic.net * noop
superuser.com stackexchange.com * noop
superuser.com stackoverflow.com * noop
serverfault.com sstatic.net * noop
serverfault.com stackexchange.com * noop
serverfault.com stackoverflow.com * noop
! Simplelogin
app.simplelogin.io simplelogin.co * noop
! Privacyguides
www.privacyguides.org github.com * noop
www.privacyguides.org privacyguides.github.io * noop
www.privacyguides.org privacyguides.net * noop
! Fontawesome
fontawesome.com algolia.net * noop
fontawesome.com algolianet.com * noop
fontawesome.com fortawesome.com * noop
! IMDb
www.imdb.com media-amazon.com * noop
www.imdb.com media-imdb.com * noop
2022-11-09 10:23:31 +00:00
! Python docs
* readthedocs.io * noop
* readthedocs.org * noop
2022-10-29 18:25:42 +00:00
! Others
docs.gtk.org gnome.org * noop
letsgetrusty.com kartra.com * noop
2022-11-07 21:52:43 +00:00
* freedesktop.org * noop
* herokudns.com * noop