
32 lines
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2021-12-03 00:37:09 +01:00
local vim = require("vim")
local cmd = vim.cmd
local fn = vim.fn
-- Unused because the extension significantly slows down the opening time for vim.
-- Also, while the semantic highlighting in it is neat, for me, it isn't worth in.
-- The extension default colorscheme makes the code look like unicorn vommit.
-- I'd prefer a simpler extension that only really distinguishes between classes,
-- functions and perhaps unused variables. I don't need to see a different color
-- when I access something as an attribute, but it would be neat to see what that
-- attribute actually holds, is it a class or a fucntion. But from my searching,
-- I wasn't able to find anything like this. This is open to pull requests.
2021-12-06 13:18:36 +01:00
-- Plugin: numirias/semshi
2021-12-03 00:37:09 +01:00
if (fn.has("python3")) then
fn.system({"pip", "install", "nvim", "--upgrade"})
function MyCustomHighlights()
hi semshiParameter ctermfg=117 guifg=#93CCED
hi semshiParameterUnused ctermfg=117 guifg=#5e8193 cterm=underline gui=underline
hi semshiBuiltin ctermfg=29 guifg=#48bda5
hi semshiAttribute ctermfg=254 guifg=#d1d1d1
hi semshiImported ctermfg=214 guifg=#f8c466 cterm=bold gui=bold
hi semshiLocal ctermfg=209 guifg=#ff875f
autocmd FileType python call MyCustomHighlights()