From 02565d76fcde4a8aad5e5ea7c22f33ac2ca36689 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ItsDrike Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2020 18:00:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Add dotfiles --- .gitmodules | 3 + home/.cache/history | 0 home/.config/sh/aliases | 117 ++ home/.config/sh/functions | 169 ++ home/.local/bin/placeholder | 0 home/.local/share/vim/backup/placeholder | 0 home/.local/share/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim | 1 + home/.local/share/vim/swap/placeholder | 0 home/.local/share/vim/undo/placeholder | 0 home/.local/share/vim/viminfo | 1393 +++++++++++++++++ home/.zshrc | 75 + .../custom/themes/af-magic.zsh-theme | 44 + 12 files changed, 1802 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .gitmodules create mode 100644 home/.cache/history create mode 100755 home/.config/sh/aliases create mode 100755 home/.config/sh/functions create mode 100644 home/.local/bin/placeholder create mode 100644 home/.local/share/vim/backup/placeholder create mode 160000 home/.local/share/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim create mode 100644 home/.local/share/vim/swap/placeholder create mode 100644 home/.local/share/vim/undo/placeholder create mode 100644 home/.local/share/vim/viminfo create mode 100755 home/.zshrc create mode 100644 root/usr/oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/af-magic.zsh-theme diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf0b875 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[submodule "home/.local/share/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim"] + path = home/.local/share/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim + url = diff --git a/home/.cache/history b/home/.cache/history new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/home/.config/sh/aliases b/home/.config/sh/aliases new file mode 100755 index 0000000..98e8e45 --- /dev/null +++ b/home/.config/sh/aliases @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# enable color support +if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then + test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)" + alias dir='dir --color=auto' + alias vdir='vdir --color=auto' + + alias grep='grep --color=auto' + alias cgrep='grep --color=always' + alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto' + alias egrep='egrep --color=auto' +fi + +# Exa aliases (replacement for ls, if you are using ls, comment or change this +alias ls='exa' +alias ll='exa -glah' +alias ld='exa -glahD' +alias lt='exa -Tlagh' +alias tree='exa -T' +alias dotfiles='exa -hula -d .[a-z]* | grep -v ^d' # Show all dotfiles +alias dotdirs='exa -hulaD -d .[a-z]*' # Show all dotdirs +alias dotall='exa -hula -d .[a-z]*' # Show both dotdirs and dotfiles + +# Shortcuts +alias vi='vim' +alias rr='rm -r' +alias sv='systemctl' + +# Changing directories +alias ..='cd ..' +alias ...='cd ../../' +alias ....='cd ../../../' +alias .....='cd ../../../../' +alias .2='cd ../../' +alias .3='cd ../../../' +alias .4='cd ../../../../' +alias .5='cd ../../../../../' + +# Python +alias py3='python3' +alias py2='python2' +alias py='ipython' +alias ipy='ipython' +alias bpy='bpython' + +# Config access shortcuts +alias cfzshrc='vim ~/.zshrc' +alias cfvim='vim ~/.config/vim/vimrc' +alias cfalias='vim ~/.config/sh/aliases' + +# Replacements +alias du='du -ach | sort -h' # Sort du by size +alias mkdir='mkdir -p' # Mkdir with automatic creation of parent directories +alias ps='ps auxf' # Print all processes +alias tty-clock='tty-clock -Ssc' # Terminal clock screensaver + + + +# Custom aliases +alias reload="exec \$SHELL" # Reload the shell (i.e. invoke as a login shell +alias ip-show="dig +short" # Gets your IP address +alias fhere='find . -name' # Find file/dir from currrent dir +alias ssh-list='ss | grep ssh' # List all SSH connections +alias swapout='sudo swapoff -a; sudo swapon -a' # Reset swap (move everything to RAM) +alias cpu-stress='fulload() { dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null & }; fulload; read; killall dd' +alias psg='\ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -i -e VSZ -e' # Get searchable process with nice output +alias path='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}' # Print each PATH entry on a separate line +alias colors-256='curl -s | bash' # Show color table +alias mount-table='df' # Show list of all mounted devices and their mount locations +alias create_mirror_list='reflector --country Slovakia --country Czechia --country Poland --country Hungary --country Ukraine --country Germany --country US --latest 800 --protocol https --sort rate --save mirrorlist' +alias pacman-extract='pacman -Syw --cachedir .' # Extract package/es into current floders +alias clean='rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/* && rm -rf ~/Downloads/*' # Remove trash and downloads files + +alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"' +alias nvidia='__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia' # Run app with nvidia (on hybrid mode with optimus) +alias o='dolphin .' # open in dolphin (file manager) +alias batinfo='sudo watch -d -n 2 tlp-stat -b' +alias sound_control='alsamixer' # Sound control tool in alsa_utils package +alias firefox="GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 firefox" +alias pdf-reader='mupdf' # Open pdf file +alias md-to-pdf='pandoc -s -o' # Convert markdown to pdf +alias minecraft='minecraft-launcher' +alias metasploit='msfconsole' + +# If user is not root, pass all commands via sudo +if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then + # Enable aliases to be sudo’ed + + ## Uncomment if you are using autocompletion (is ZSH) + #alias sudo='nocorrect sudo' + ## Comment this if you are not using autocompletion (in ZSH) + alias sudo='sudo ' + + alias unsudo='sudo -k' # Reset sudo timeout (sudo will require password) +fi + +# Normalize `open` across Linux, macOS, and Windows. +# This is needed to make `open` function (see below) cross-platform +if [ ! $(uname -s) = 'Darwin' ]; then + if grep -q Microsoft /proc/version; then + # Ubuntu on Windows using the Linux subsystem + alias open='explorer.exe' + else + alias open='xdg-open' + fi +fi + +# Functions +if [ -f ~/.config/sh/functions ]; then + source ~/.config/sh/functions +fi + +# Extra +if [ -f ~/.config/sh/extra ]; then + source ~/.config/sh/extra +fi diff --git a/home/.config/sh/functions b/home/.config/sh/functions new file mode 100755 index 0000000..da65376 --- /dev/null +++ b/home/.config/sh/functions @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +function extract { + if [ -z "$1" ]; then + # display usage if no parameters given + echo "Usage: extract ." + echo " extract [path/file_name_2.ext] [path/file_name_3.ext]" + return 1 + else + for n in $@ + do + if [ -f "$n" ] ; then + case "${n%,}" in + *.tar.bz2|*.tar.gz|*.tar.xz|*.tbz2|*.tgz|*.txz|*.tar) + tar xvf "$n" ;; + *.lzma) unlzma ./"$n" ;; + *.bz2) bunzip2 ./"$n" ;; + *.rar) unrar x -ad ./"$n" ;; + *.gz) gunzip ./"$n" ;; + *.zip) unzip ./"$n" ;; + *.z) uncompress ./"$n" ;; + *.7z|*.arj|*.cab|*.chm|*.deb|*.dmg|*.iso|*.lzh|*.msi|*.rpm|*.udf|*.wim|*.xar) + 7z x ./"$n" ;; + *.xz) unxz ./"$n" ;; + *.exe) cabextract ./"$n" ;; + *) + echo "extract: '$n' - unknown archive method" + return 1 + ;; + esac + else + echo "'$n' - file does not exist" + return 1 + fi + done +fi +} + +# Create a new directory and enter it +function mkd() { + mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$_"; +} + +# Create a .tar.gz archive, using `zopfli`, `pigz` or `gzip` for compression +function targz() { + local tmpFile="${@%/}.tar"; + tar -cvf "${tmpFile}" "${@}" || return 1; + + size=$( + stat -f"%z" "${tmpFile}" 2> /dev/null; # macOS `stat` + stat -c"%s" "${tmpFile}" 2> /dev/null; # GNU `stat` + ); + + local cmd=""; + if (( size < 52428800 )) && hash zopfli 2> /dev/null; then + # the .tar file is smaller than 50 MB and Zopfli is available; use it + cmd="zopfli"; + else + if hash pigz 2> /dev/null; then + cmd="pigz"; + else + cmd="gzip"; + fi; + fi; + + echo "Compressing .tar ($((size / 1000)) kB) using \`${cmd}\`…"; + "${cmd}" -v "${tmpFile}" || return 1; + [ -f "${tmpFile}" ] && rm "${tmpFile}"; + + zippedSize=$( + stat -f"%z" "${tmpFile}.gz" 2> /dev/null; # macOS `stat` + stat -c"%s" "${tmpFile}.gz" 2> /dev/null; # GNU `stat` + ); + + echo "${tmpFile}.gz ($((zippedSize / 1000)) kB) created successfully."; +} + +# Determine size of a file or total size of a directory +function dir-size() { + if du -b /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; then + local arg=-sbh; + else + local arg=-sh; + fi + if [[ -n "$@" ]]; then + \du $arg -- "$@"; + else + \du $arg .[^.]* ./*; + fi; +} + +# Use Git’s colored diff when available +hash git &>/dev/null; +if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + function diff() { + git diff --no-index --color-words "$@"; + } +fi; + +# Create a data URL from a file +function dataurl() { + local mimeType=$(file -b --mime-type "$1"); + if [[ $mimeType == text/* ]]; then + mimeType="${mimeType};charset=utf-8"; + fi + echo "data:${mimeType};base64,$(openssl base64 -in "$1" | tr -d '\n')"; +} + +# Compare original and gzipped file size +function gz() { + local origsize=$(wc -c < "$1"); + local gzipsize=$(gzip -c "$1" | wc -c); + local ratio=$(echo "$gzipsize * 100 / $origsize" | bc -l); + printf "orig: %d bytes\n" "$origsize"; + printf "gzip: %d bytes (%2.2f%%)\n" "$gzipsize" "$ratio"; +} + +# Show all the names (CNs and SANs) listed in the SSL certificate +# for a given domain +function getcertnames() { + if [ -z "${1}" ]; then + echo "ERROR: No domain specified."; + return 1; + fi; + + local domain="${1}"; + echo "Testing ${domain}…"; + echo ""; # newline + + local tmp=$(echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.0\nEOT" \ + | openssl s_client -connect "${domain}:443" -servername "${domain}" 2>&1); + + if [[ "${tmp}" = *"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"* ]]; then + local certText=$(echo "${tmp}" \ + | openssl x509 -text -certopt "no_aux, no_header, no_issuer, no_pubkey, \ + no_serial, no_sigdump, no_signame, no_validity, no_version"); + echo "Common Name:"; + echo ""; # newline + echo "${certText}" | grep "Subject:" | sed -e "s/^.*CN=//" | sed -e "s/\/emailAddress=.*//"; + echo ""; # newline + echo "Subject Alternative Name(s):"; + echo ""; # newline + echo "${certText}" | grep -A 1 "Subject Alternative Name:" \ + | sed -e "2s/DNS://g" -e "s/ //g" | tr "," "\n" | tail -n +2; + return 0; + else + echo "ERROR: Certificate not found."; + return 1; + fi; +} + +# `o` with no arguments opens the current directory, otherwise opens the given +# location +function o() { + if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then + open .; + else + open "$@"; + fi; +} + +# `tre` is a shorthand for `tree` with hidden files and color enabled, ignoring +# the `.git` directory, listing directories first. The output gets piped into +# `less` with options to preserve color and line numbers, unless the output is +# small enough for one screen. +function tre() { + tree -aC -I '.git|node_modules|bower_components' --dirsfirst "$@" | less -FRNX; +} + diff --git a/home/.local/bin/placeholder b/home/.local/bin/placeholder new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/home/.local/share/vim/backup/placeholder b/home/.local/share/vim/backup/placeholder new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/home/.local/share/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim b/home/.local/share/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim new file mode 160000 index 0000000..b255382 --- /dev/null +++ b/home/.local/share/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit b255382d6242d7ea3877bf059d2934125e0c4d95 diff --git a/home/.local/share/vim/swap/placeholder b/home/.local/share/vim/swap/placeholder new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/home/.local/share/vim/undo/placeholder b/home/.local/share/vim/undo/placeholder new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/home/.local/share/vim/viminfo b/home/.local/share/vim/viminfo new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bab1b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/home/.local/share/vim/viminfo @@ -0,0 +1,1393 @@ +# This viminfo file was generated by Vim 8.2. +# You may edit it if you're careful! + +# Viminfo version +|1,4 + +# Value of 'encoding' when this file was written +*encoding=utf-8 + + +# hlsearch on (H) or off (h): +~h +# Last Search Pattern: +~MSle0~/VIM + +# Last Substitute String: +$ + +# Command Line History (newest to oldest): +:q +|2,0,1603352488,,"q" +:wq +|2,0,1603352250,,"wq" +:w +|2,0,1603352216,,"w" +:q! +|2,0,1603352069,,"q!" +:exit +|2,0,1600003385,,"exit" +:syntax on +|2,0,1599491232,,"syntax on" +:syntax +|2,0,1599491230,,"syntax" +:syntax bash +|2,0,1599491227,,"syntax bash" +:set encoding=bash +|2,0,1599491195,,"set encoding=bash" +:set encoding bash +|2,0,1599491190,,"set encoding bash" +:encoding bash +|2,0,1599491182,,"encoding bash" +:W +|2,0,1598289143,,"W" +:WQ +|2,0,1597573036,,"WQ" +:q~ +|2,0,1595175626,,"q~" +:Q +|2,0,1593789162,,"Q" +:w jana-insp.txt +|2,0,1592483775,,"w jana-insp.txt" +:w FT_Schedule.txt +|2,0,1592151695,,"w FT_Schedule.txt" +:00 +|2,0,1592151538,,"00" +:Wq +|2,0,1590667461,,"Wq" +:wq! +|2,0,1589722979,,"wq!" +:w changed_kde +|2,0,1589664321,,"w changed_kde" +:PluginInstall +|2,0,1586004863,,"PluginInstall" + +# Search String History (newest to oldest): +? \s\+$ +|2,1,1603352250,,"\\s\\+$" +?/AKA +|2,1,1603239289,47,"AKA" +?/inode\/directory:q +|2,1,1602972984,47,"inode\\/directory:q" +?/VIM +|2,1,1602676643,47,"VIM" +?/nvidia +|2,1,1597524115,47,"nvidia" +?/sha +|2,1,1597274990,47,"sha" +?/check +|2,1,1597274986,47,"check" +?/integrity +|2,1,1597274984,47,"integrity" +?/license +|2,1,1597274912,47,"license" +?/licence. +|2,1,1597274901,47,"licence." +?/marl +|2,1,1597274884,47,"marl" +?/mutable +|2,1,1595496635,47,"mutable" +?/o +|2,1,1595175689,47,"o" +?/main +|2,1,1591701283,47,"main" +?/path +|2,1,1591559841,47,"path" +?/class +|2,1,1591285306,47,"class" +?/type +|2,1,1591103761,47,"type" +?/sv +|2,1,1590313235,47,"sv" + +# Expression History (newest to oldest): + +# Input Line History (newest to oldest): + +# Debug Line History (newest to oldest): + +# Registers: +"0 LINE 0 + } +|3,0,0,1,1,0,1603352075,"}" +""1 LINE 0 + +|3,1,1,1,1,0,1603352245,"" +"2 LINE 0 + +|3,0,2,1,1,0,1603352245,"" +"3 LINE 0 + alias server-ssh='ssh -i ~/.ssh/localserver -p 69 koumakpet@staticip' +|3,0,3,1,1,0,1603352243,"alias server-ssh='ssh -i ~/.ssh/localserver -p 69 koumakpet@staticip'" +"4 LINE 0 + } +|3,0,4,1,1,0,1603352234,"}" +"5 LINE 0 + echo -e "\n\033[32mComplete!\033[0m\n" +|3,0,5,1,1,0,1603352234," echo -e \"\\n\\033[32mComplete!\\033[0m\\n\"" +"6 LINE 0 + +|3,0,6,1,1,0,1603352234,"" +"7 LINE 0 + done +|3,0,7,1,1,0,1603352234," done" +"8 LINE 0 + cd $CUR_DIR +|3,0,8,1,1,0,1603352234," cd $CUR_DIR" +"9 LINE 0 + # lets get back to the CUR_DIR +|3,0,9,1,1,0,1603352233," # lets get back to the CUR_DIR" +"- CHAR 0 + # +|3,0,36,0,1,0,1598384844,"#" + +# File marks: +'0 31 0 ~/.local/share/vim/viminfo +|4,48,31,0,1603352488,"~/.local/share/vim/viminfo" +'1 3 0 ~/.config/sh/extra +|4,49,3,0,1603352250,"~/.config/sh/extra" +'2 169 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,50,169,0,1603352236,"~/.config/sh/functions" +'3 178 0 /home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions +|4,51,178,0,1603352226,"/home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions" +'4 107 1 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,52,107,1,1603352221,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +'5 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,53,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +'6 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,54,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +'7 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,55,98,0,1603352069,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +'8 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,56,98,0,1603352069,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +'9 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,57,150,0,1603352052,"~/.config/sh/functions" + +# Jumplist (newest first): +-' 31 0 ~/.local/share/vim/viminfo +|4,39,31,0,1603352488,"~/.local/share/vim/viminfo" +-' 1 0 ~/.local/share/vim/viminfo +|4,39,1,0,1603352484,"~/.local/share/vim/viminfo" +-' 3 0 ~/.config/sh/extra +|4,39,3,0,1603352250,"~/.config/sh/extra" +-' 3 0 ~/.config/sh/extra +|4,39,3,0,1603352250,"~/.config/sh/extra" +-' 1 0 ~/.config/sh/extra +|4,39,1,0,1603352239,"~/.config/sh/extra" +-' 1 0 ~/.config/sh/extra +|4,39,1,0,1603352239,"~/.config/sh/extra" +-' 169 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,169,0,1603352236,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 169 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,169,0,1603352236,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 169 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,169,0,1603352236,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 169 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,169,0,1603352236,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 178 0 /home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions +|4,39,178,0,1603352226,"/home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions" +-' 178 0 /home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions +|4,39,178,0,1603352226,"/home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions" +-' 178 0 /home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions +|4,39,178,0,1603352226,"/home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions" +-' 178 0 /home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions +|4,39,178,0,1603352226,"/home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352224,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352224,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352224,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352224,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 107 1 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,107,1,1603352221,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 107 1 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,107,1,1603352221,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 107 1 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,107,1,1603352221,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 107 1 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,107,1,1603352221,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 107 1 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,107,1,1603352221,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 107 1 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,107,1,1603352221,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 107 1 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,107,1,1603352221,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 107 1 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,107,1,1603352221,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352102,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352102,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352102,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352102,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352102,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352102,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352102,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352102,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 1 0 /home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions +|4,39,1,0,1603352095,"/home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions" +-' 1 0 /home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions +|4,39,1,0,1603352095,"/home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions" +-' 1 0 /home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions +|4,39,1,0,1603352095,"/home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions" +-' 1 0 /home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions +|4,39,1,0,1603352095,"/home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 150 0 ~/.config/sh/functions +|4,39,150,0,1603352076,"~/.config/sh/functions" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352069,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352069,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352069,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352069,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352069,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352069,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352069,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,98,0,1603352069,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 98 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases 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+|4,39,109,0,1603352054,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 109 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,109,0,1603352054,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 118 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,118,0,1603352054,"~/.config/sh/aliases" +-' 109 0 ~/.config/sh/aliases +|4,39,109,0,1603352054,"~/.config/sh/aliases" + +# History of marks within files (newest to oldest): + +> ~/.local/share/vim/viminfo + * 1603352487 0 + " 31 0 + +> ~/.config/sh/extra + * 1603352247 0 + " 3 0 + . 4 0 + + 4 0 + +> ~/.config/sh/functions + * 1603352236 0 + " 169 0 + ^ 150 1 + . 170 0 + + 39 0 + + 109 0 + + 118 0 + + 151 0 + + 170 0 + +> ~/.config/sh/aliases + * 1603352217 0 + " 107 1 + ^ 107 2 + . 107 0 + + 111 21 + + 112 21 + + 116 21 + + 117 21 + + 28 0 + + 48 28 + + 50 39 + + 85 0 + + 74 0 + + 85 0 + + 74 0 + + 60 16 + + 74 0 + + 74 85 + + 60 16 + + 85 0 + + 74 0 + + 85 0 + + 76 0 + + 85 0 + + 74 0 + + 85 0 + + 74 0 + + 85 0 + + 74 0 + + 85 0 + + 77 0 + + 85 0 + + 80 0 + + 85 0 + + 75 0 + + 76 0 + + 78 0 + + 85 0 + + 61 0 + + 74 0 + + 62 0 + + 74 0 + + 65 0 + + 74 0 + + 63 0 + + 74 0 + + 64 0 + + 85 0 + + 71 0 + + 85 0 + + 67 0 + + 85 0 + + 68 0 + + 85 0 + + 73 0 + + 85 0 + + 69 0 + + 85 0 + + 83 0 + + 85 0 + + 84 0 + + 85 0 + + 72 0 + + 85 0 + + 79 0 + + 85 0 + + 70 0 + + 85 0 + + 81 0 + + 85 0 + + 82 0 + + 86 0 + + 61 0 + + 108 0 + + 100 37 + + 107 0 + +> /home/koumakpet/.config/sh/.functions + * 1603352113 0 + " 178 0 + +> ~/.zshrc + * 1603351470 0 + " 53 0 + . 53 0 + + 68 23 + + 67 37 + + 70 6 + + 56 50 + + 57 45 + + 56 36 + + 66 0 + + 58 71 + + 60 43 + + 62 49 + + 63 32 + + 60 0 + + 64 45 + + 64 44 + + 65 51 + + 64 43 + + 56 0 + + 62 0 + + 72 45 + + 74 22 + + 21 0 + + 11 30 + + 41 18 + + 64 0 + + 53 0 + +> ~/.ssh/HotWired/config + * 1603349591 0 + " 5 3 + ^ 5 24 + . 4 31 + + 2 15 + + 1 14 + + 4 31 + +> /etc/hosts + * 1603349405 0 + " 10 1 + ^ 10 2 + . 10 1 + + 10 1 + +> ~/.ssh/config + * 1603349136 0 + " 5 2 + ^ 5 24 + . 5 23 + + 5 23 + +> ~/.ssh/HotWired/ + * 1603240648 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/.config/sh/.aliases + * 1603235331 0 + " 63 32 + ^ 62 39 + . 63 0 + + 106 35 + + 108 0 + + 26 18 + + 38 7 + + 44 20 + + 41 10 + + 44 14 + + 41 10 + + 44 14 + + 59 20 + + 41 10 + + 44 84 + + 44 86 + + 44 0 + + 42 17 + + 43 17 + + 44 0 + + 40 17 + + 43 0 + + 62 44 + + 54 0 + + 64 14 + + 64 181 + + 62 38 + + 63 0 + +> ~/zshrc + * 1603235204 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/quotes + * 1603155259 0 + " 24 209 + ^ 24 210 + . 24 209 + + 3 0 + + 2 0 + + 13 61 + + 14 115 + + 15 109 + + 19 158 + + 14 0 + + 24 209 + +> ~/quotes + * 1603154599 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/ps2.tst + * 1603033917 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/.config/environment.d/gtk-portal.conf + * 1602975657 0 + " 1 44 + ^ 1 45 + . 2 0 + + 1 45 + + 2 57 + + 2 0 + +> /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache + * 1602972985 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/.config/vim/vimrc + * 1602676700 0 + " 35 36 + +> ~/Programming/Python/GitHub-Contrib/Neutron-Bot/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG + * 1602553912 0 + " 1 15 + ^ 1 16 + . 1 15 + + 109 11 + + 107 41 + + 105 41 + + 79 35 + + 103 15 + + 101 10 + + 99 6 + + 98 5 + + 97 5 + + 103 51 + + 79 33 + + 95 42 + + 89 35 + + 85 66 + + 86 51 + + 80 7 + + 4 39 + + 79 1 + + 83 16 + + 77 16 + + 78 0 + + 73 0 + + 4 52 + + 59 69 + + 65 4 + + 62 61 + + 63 4 + + 71 71 + + 72 6 + + 55 6 + + 38 6 + + 15 71 + + 17 50 + + 20 4 + + 18 69 + + 19 33 + + 20 5 + + 18 72 + + 19 9 + + 19 13 + + 20 71 + + 21 35 + + 6 71 + + 7 7 + + 14 0 + + 13 34 + + 12 66 + + 1 15 + +> /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/themes/af-magic.zsh-theme + * 1602421511 0 + " 34 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Templates/PyGame/.env + * 1601903236 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/GitHub-Contrib/Neutron-Bot/.git/MERGE_MSG + * 1601487928 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Py-Expert-Todo + * 1601481684 0 + " 15 14 + ^ 29 12 + . 29 11 + + 1 62 + + 4 0 + + 5 23 + + 9 11 + + 6 49 + + 7 0 + + 9 0 + + 13 0 + + 10 26 + + 4 9 + + 12 48 + + 17 10 + + 15 58 + + 20 42 + + 21 0 + + 24 40 + + 26 33 + + 28 38 + + 29 11 + +> ~/Programming/ + * 1601473169 0 + " 13 0 + ^ 13 0 + . 12 50 + + 12 50 + +> ~/Programming/Python/GitHub-Contrib/HotWired-Games/.env + * 1601156782 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/GitHub-Contrib/HotWired-Bot/TODO + * 1601151895 0 + " 38 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/GitHub-Contrib/HotWired-Games/tox.ini + * 1601144202 0 + " 17 7 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/Other/Edupage-Time/python/tox.ini + * 1601142992 0 + " 14 7 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/Test/tox.ini + * 1601142948 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/Menger Square/tox.ini + * 1601142934 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/NERD_tree_2 + * 1601142926 0 + " 4 0 + . 1 0 + + 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/NERD_tree_1 + * 1601142925 0 + " 1 0 + . 1 0 + + 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/Cube/tox.ini + * 1601142919 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/Checkers/tox.ini + * 1601142907 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Templates/PyGame/tox.ini + * 1601142884 0 + " 14 7 + +> 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+> ~/Programming/Python/Te + * 1600071290 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/Cube/source/ + * 1600003384 0 + " 134 8 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Manim/media/Tex/de18c0411e9bf41e.log + * 1599601247 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Manim/ + * 1599601209 0 + " 149 0 + ^ 753 102 + . 16 0 + + 753 101 + + 16 0 + +> ~/Personal/Other/X/rn + * 1599491510 0 + " 3 17 + ^ 3 18 + . 3 17 + + 9 6 + + 1 1 + + 2 0 + + 5 3 + + 6 4 + + 7 3 + + 8 4 + + 9 3 + + 10 0 + + 4 86 + + 4 5 + + 5 12 + + 6 37 + + 3 77 + + 5 14 + + 8 35 + + 3 17 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Templates/ + * 1599405946 0 + " 2 36 + ^ 2 37 + . 2 36 + + 5 17 + + 8 15 + + 6 10 + + 9 56 + + 3 0 + + 2 36 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/Test/Pipfile + * 1599342406 0 + " 26 0 + +> ~/.cache/zsh/history + * 1599082930 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/coding_challange + * 1599079987 0 + " 1 0 + ^ 1 3 + . 1 0 + + 1 42 + + 2 16 + + 4 1 + + 3 70 + + 4 53 + + 5 42 + + 4 50 + + 5 52 + + 11 10 + + 12 8 + + 11 5 + + 13 10 + + 17 17 + + 24 7 + + 23 7 + + 22 7 + + 21 7 + + 20 7 + + 19 7 + + 17 17 + + 7 69 + + 17 9 + + 18 8 + + 19 8 + + 20 8 + + 21 8 + + 22 8 + + 23 8 + + 16 2 + + 25 2 + + 1 0 + +> ~/.config/npm/npmrc + * 1599079461 0 + " 4 52 + ^ 4 53 + . 4 52 + + 4 52 + +> ~/.config/.npmrc + * 1599079427 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Templates/PyGame/.gitignore + * 1598980743 0 + " 62 7 + ^ 62 8 + . 62 7 + + 58 23 + + 59 8 + + 58 22 + + 62 7 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Templates/PyGame/Pipfile + * 1598980668 0 + " 27 20 + ^ 27 21 + . 27 20 + + 27 20 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Templates/ + * 1598884535 0 + " 43 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/GitHub-Contrib/HotWired-Bot/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG + * 1598543854 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/test/test + * 1598449525 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/test/zsh + * 1598449505 0 + " 7 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Templates/ + * 1598405616 0 + " 24 0 + ^ 24 0 + . 23 10 + + 23 10 + +> ~/Programming/Python/GitHub-Contrib/HotWired-Bot/bot/utils/ + * 1598399676 0 + " 15 19 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/Cube/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG + * 1598384854 0 + " 4 13 + ^ 4 14 + . 4 13 + + 20 29 + + 7 30 + + 10 6 + + 9 48 + + 14 0 + + 10 3 + + 9 46 + + 11 15 + + 10 3 + + 11 28 + + 13 55 + + 4 13 + +> ~/Programming/Python/a + * 1598299921 0 + " 206 28 + ^ 916 0 + . 172 0 + + 915 6 + + 172 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/Bigger Things/Block-Chain/ + * 1598282190 0 + " 48 21 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/Mitosis/ + * 1598214254 0 + " 41 21 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/PyGame/Solar-System/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG + * 1598205430 0 + " 15 26 + ^ 15 27 + . 15 26 + + 7 32 + + 10 3 + + 9 59 + + 10 54 + + 14 67 + + 15 26 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Templates/PyGame/ + * 1597584072 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/Other/ + * 1597573076 0 + " 17 19 + ^ 17 20 + . 17 19 + + 1 43 + + 26 28 + + 27 0 + + 28 41 + + 1 17 + + 28 23 + + 29 40 + + 31 30 + + 32 38 + + 33 4 + + 31 46 + + 33 36 + + 2 0 + + 1 5 + + 35 0 + + 3 0 + + 6 28 + + 5 20 + + 6 29 + + 7 60 + + 8 22 + + 11 41 + + 4 38 + + 14 28 + + 35 44 + + 36 48 + + 36 15 + + 39 38 + + 11 43 + + 9 0 + + 11 43 + + 1 46 + + 14 27 + + 13 11 + + 2 0 + + 23 23 + + 40 17 + + 23 15 + + 14 76 + + 22 77 + + 36 16 + + 37 0 + + 35 62 + + 6 33 + + 18 0 + + 23 0 + + 36 0 + + 41 30 + + 43 5 + + 42 29 + + 43 32 + + 45 12 + + 41 29 + + 17 19 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Collabs-GitHub/HotWired-Bot/.pre-commit-config.yaml + * 1597487188 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Collabs-GitHub/HotWired-Bot/Pipfile + * 1597487151 0 + " 39 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Collabs-GitHub/HotWired-Bot/.gitignore + * 1597487115 0 + " 29 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Collabs-GitHub/HotWired-Bot/tox.ini + * 1597485935 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Algorithms/Bubble-Sort/ + * 1597482511 0 + " 118 8 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Algorithms/A*-Pathfinding/ + * 1597482116 0 + " 44 12 + ^ 12 16 + . 12 15 + + 12 15 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/Small/Purple-Rain/ + * 1597482051 0 + " 62 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Algorithms/A*-Pathfinding/vi + * 1597410262 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/Purple-Rain/ + * 1597405493 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/C/test.s + * 1597309919 0 + " 170 1 + +> ~/ttf-ms-win10/PKGBUILD + * 1597274995 0 + " 276 0 + . 79 0 + + 79 0 + +> ~/Programming/ + * 1596883633 0 + " 6 8 + ^ 6 9 + . 6 8 + + 4 12 + + 14 3 + + 11 0 + + 10 3 + + 12 6 + + 14 6 + + 15 15 + + 16 0 + + 18 8 + + 19 6 + + 15 0 + + 19 21 + + 20 16 + + 6 8 + +> ~/Personal/Discord/python-bot/tests/bot/ + * 1596714641 0 + " 43 22 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Collabs-GitHub/HotWired-Bot/.git/MERGE_MSG + * 1596474948 0 + " 1 0 + ^ 1 33 + . 2 0 + + 1 37 + + 1 36 + + 2 0 + + 1 33 + + 2 0 + +> ~/test/.git/objects/f0/290aaa2a860f6ca972dfc6d47c1dc8c08fdd19 + * 1596199400 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Collabs-GitHub/HotWired-Bot/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG + * 1596010156 0 + " 4 33 + ^ 4 34 + . 4 33 + + 151 65 + + 147 68 + + 149 64 + + 150 34 + + 3 91 + + 147 0 + + 3 98 + + 146 52 + + 3 101 + + 145 14 + + 143 14 + + 2 0 + + 3 87 + + 141 44 + + 3 119 + + 139 31 + + 3 82 + + 137 41 + + 3 87 + + 135 33 + + 133 33 + + 3 102 + + 131 79 + + 129 2 + + 128 15 + + 130 54 + + 125 0 + + 3 67 + + 126 51 + + 3 96 + + 124 8 + + 3 86 + + 118 69 + + 119 43 + + 3 84 + + 112 70 + + 113 17 + + 3 95 + + 110 57 + + 3 96 + + 105 71 + + 106 41 + + 4 0 + + 4 51 + + 103 32 + + 4 21 + + 97 72 + + 100 44 + + 4 37 + + 95 27 + + 92 70 + + 88 20 + + 79 31 + + 81 66 + + 85 56 + + 84 48 + + 77 23 + + 74 23 + + 71 64 + + 4 49 + + 61 59 + + 62 31 + + 66 71 + + 67 9 + + 64 70 + + 65 23 + + 67 44 + + 59 61 + + 56 9 + + 52 60 + + 49 41 + + 45 71 + + 46 30 + + 42 34 + + 43 65 + + 44 0 + + 39 68 + + 40 16 + + 4 16 + + 27 72 + + 28 24 + + 27 68 + + 28 68 + + 31 41 + + 30 51 + + 33 65 + + 34 67 + + 35 6 + + 4 56 + + 24 9 + + 23 65 + + 24 52 + + 4 41 + + 15 57 + + 16 41 + + 19 64 + + 13 69 + + 9 28 + + 6 38 + + 4 33 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Collabs-GitHub/HotWired-Bot/bot/core/ + * 1595855366 0 + " 31 37 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Collabs-GitHub/HotWired-Bot/bot/core/ + * 1595855180 0 + " 1 0 + +> ~/Personal/Series-Order.txt + * 1595721182 0 + " 1 0 + ^ 1 0 + +> ~/NERD_tree_2 + * 1595592890 0 + " 4 0 + . 1 0 + + 1 0 + +> ~/NERD_tree_1 + * 1595592888 0 + " 1 0 + . 1 0 + + 1 0 + +> ~/Personal/Discord/ + * 1595502593 0 + " 23 3 + ^ 26 86 + . 26 85 + + 47 84 + + 34 39 + + 26 49 + + 27 34 + + 28 38 + + 29 38 + + 31 36 + + 33 47 + + 40 34 + + 41 33 + + 48 79 + + 41 66 + + 40 44 + + 34 88 + + 33 59 + + 31 41 + + 29 94 + + 28 41 + + 27 69 + + 26 83 + + 40 21 + + 26 85 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Collabs-GitHub/HotWired-API/.env + * 1595441948 0 + " 4 12 + +> ~/Personal/Protected/HotWired + * 1595360308 0 + " 1 0 + ^ 1 70 + . 2 0 + + 2 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Collabs-GitHub/HotWired-Bot/bot/assets/filter_words.txt + * 1595175826 0 + " 96 7 + +> ~/fake-bot + * 1595175626 0 + " 5 0 + ^ 5 0 + . 4 2 + + 4 2 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/IP_Sniffer/ + * 1595152305 0 + " 1 0 + ^ 4 32 + . 1 0 + + 2 27 + + 5 31 + + 7 69 + + 10 33 + + 16 53 + + 4 33 + + 10 8 + + 4 32 + + 2 0 + + 1 0 + +> ~/Programming/Python/Projects/IP_Sniffer/settings.ini + * 1595152181 0 + " 2 23 + ^ 3 23 + . 3 22 + + 1 8 + + 3 11 + + 2 24 + + 3 23 + + 2 24 + + 3 22 + +> ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf + * 1595017550 0 + " 1 7 + ^ 1 8 + . 1 7 + + 1 16 + + 1 7 + +> /etc/mpv/mpv.conf + * 1595017430 0 + " 3 0 + ^ 3 0 + . 3 0 + + 2 13 + + 3 0 diff --git a/home/.zshrc b/home/.zshrc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6a263b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/home/.zshrc @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +ZSH_CACHE="$HOME/.cache/zsh" + +# History in cache directory +HISTSIZE=10000 +SAVEHIST=10000 +HISTFILE=$ZSH_CACHE/history + +# Move .zsh-update to $ZSH_CACHE +[ -f ~/.zsh-update ] && mv ~/.zsh-update $ZSH_CACHE/.zsh-update + +export ZSH_COMPDUMP="$ZSH_CACHE/zcompdump-$ZSH_VERSION" + + +# Export oh-my-zsh location as $ZSH + export ZSH="/usr/share/oh-my-zsh" + +# Set theme +ZSH_THEME="af-magic" + +# How often should zsh be updated +export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=5 + +# Enable command auto-correction +ENABLE_CORRECTION="false" + +# Run oh-my-zsh +source $ZSH/ + + +# Enable colors +autoload -U colors && colors + +# Basic auto/tab complete +autoload -U compinit +zstyle ':completion:*' menu select +zmodload zsh/complist +compinit -d $ZSH_COMPDUMP +comp_options+=(globdots) + +# Setup aliases +[ -f ~/.config/sh/aliases ] && source ~/.config/sh/aliases + +# XDG Exports +export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config" +export XDG_CACHE_HOME="$HOME/.cache" +export XDG_DATA_HOME="$HOME/.local/share" + +# ~/ Clean-up +export WGETRC="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/wget/wgetrc +export LESSHISTFILE="-" +export VIMINIT=":source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/vim/vimrc +export GTK2_RC_FILES="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/gtk-2.0/gtkrc +export KDEHOME="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/kde +export CUDA_CACHE_PATH="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/nv +export GNUPGHOME="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/gnupg +export TS3_CONFIG_DIR="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/ts3client +export DOCKER_CONFIG="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/docker +export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Djava.util.prefs.userRoot="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/java +export NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/npm/npmrc +export PYLINTHOME="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/pylint +export SQLITE_HISTORY=$XDG_DATA_HOME/sqlite_history +export WAKATIME_HOME="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wakatime" +export GOPATH="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/go +export IPYTHONDIR="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/ipython +export JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/jupyter + +# Add executable directories into PATH +PATH+=":$HOME/.local/bin" +# Force pipenv to create new enviroments within projects +export PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 + +# Load zsh-syntax-highlighting (should be last) +source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh + +#neofetch --cpu_temp C --gtk2 off --gtk3 off --color_blocks on --pixterm diff --git a/root/usr/oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/af-magic.zsh-theme b/root/usr/oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/af-magic.zsh-theme new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08de6d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/root/usr/oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/af-magic.zsh-theme @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# af-magic.zsh-theme +# Repo: +# Direct Link: + + +# settings +typeset +H return_code="%(?..%{$fg[red]%}%? ↵%{$reset_color%})" +typeset +H my_gray="$FG[237]" +typeset +H my_orange="$FG[214]" +typeset +H my_red="$FG[196]" + +# separator dashes size +function afmagic_dashes { +# [[ -n "${VIRTUAL_ENV-}" && -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT-}" && "$PS1" = \(* ]] \ +# && echo $(( COLUMNS - ${#VIRTUAL_ENV} - 3 )) \ +# || echo $COLUMNS +} + +# primary prompt +[ "$EUID" -eq 0 ] && PS1='$my_red%n@%m ' || PS1='$my_gray%n@%m ' + +PS1+='$FG[032]%~$(git_prompt_info)$(hg_prompt_info) $FG[105]%(!.#.»)%{$reset_color%} ' +PS2='%{$fg[red]%}\ %{$reset_color%}' +RPS1='${return_code}' + +# right prompt +(( $+functions[virtualenv_prompt_info] )) && RPS1+='$(virtualenv_prompt_info)' +#RPS1+=' $my_gray%n@%m%{$reset_color%}%' + +# git settings +ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX="$FG[075]($FG[078]" +ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_CLEAN="" +ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIRTY="$my_orange*%{$reset_color%}" +ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX="$FG[075])%{$reset_color%}" + +# hg settings +ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_PREFIX="$FG[075]($FG[078]" +ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_CLEAN="" +ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_DIRTY="$my_orange*%{$reset_color%}" +ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_SUFFIX="$FG[075])%{$reset_color%}" + +# virtualenv settings +ZSH_THEME_VIRTUALENV_PREFIX=" $FG[075][" +ZSH_THEME_VIRTUALENV_SUFFIX="]%{$reset_color%}"