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synced 2024-12-25 20:54:34 +00:00
Restructure & Update aliases
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ alias souce='source'
alias suod='sudo '
alias sduo='sudo '
# Files/Directories
# Directory changing
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../../'
alias ....='cd ../../../'
@ -17,16 +17,21 @@ alias .2='cd ../../'
alias .3='cd ../../../'
alias .4='cd ../../../../'
alias .5='cd ../../../../../'
# Files/Directories utilities
alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
alias md='mkdir'
alias fhere='find . -name'
alias rr='rm -r'
alias rf='rm -f'
alias rrf='rm -rf'
alias fhere='find . -name'
# Aliases for piping directly (f.e.: history G ssh)
alias -g G='| grep'
alias -g H='| head'
# Replacements (adding flags)
alias cp='cp -iv' # Ask before overwriting, verbose
alias mv='mv -iv' # Ask before overwriting, verbose
alias rm='rm -v' # Verbose (asking here is too annoying)
alias wget='wget -c' # Resume wget by default
alias df='df -H' # Show sizes as powers of 1000
# Directory listing aliases, defaults to exa, if aviable
if command -v exa > /dev/null; then
@ -35,13 +40,17 @@ if command -v exa > /dev/null; then
alias ll='exa -glah --classify -s=size --group-directories-first -r'
alias ld='exa -glahD'
alias tree='exa -Tlagh'
alias dotfiles='exa -hula -d .[a-z]* | grep -v ^d' # Show all dotfiles
alias dotdirs='exa -hulaD -d .[a-z]*' # Show all dotdirs
alias dotall='exa -hula -d .[a-z]*' # Show both dotdirs and dotfiles
alias dotall='exa -hulad .[a-z]*' # Show both dotdirs and dotfiles
alias dotfiles='dotall | grep -v ^d' # Show all dotfiles
alias dotdirs='dotall | grep --color=never ^d' # Show all dotdirs
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias l='ls -lahX --classify'
alias ll='ls -lahX --classify --group-directories-first'
alias ld='ls -lahX --classify | grep --color=never ^d'
alias dotall='ls -lahXd .[a-z]*'
alias dotfiles='dotall | grep -v ^d'
alias dotdirs='dotall | grep --color=never ^d'
# Config access shortcuts
@ -56,15 +65,6 @@ alias cftheme='vim ~/.config/sh/theme'
alias cfprompt='cftheme'
alias cfkeybinds='vim ~/.config/sh/keybinds'
# Replacements
alias wget='wget -c' # Resume wget by default
alias df='df -H' # Show sizes as powers of 1000
alias tty-clock='tty-clock -Ssc' # Terminal clock screensaver
alias vi='vim' # Nobody uses `vi` anymore, go directly to `vim`
alias cp='cp -iv' # Ask before overwriting files, verbose mode
alias mv='mv -iv' # Same as above
alias rm='rm -v' # Verbose rm
# Python
alias py3='python3'
alias py2='python2'
@ -73,9 +73,10 @@ alias bpy='bpython'
command -v ipython > /dev/null && alias py='ipython' || alias py='python'
# Fallbacks
command -v hd > /dev/null || alias hd="hexdump -C" # Cannonical hex dump; some systems have this symlinked
command -v md5sum > /dev/null || alias md5sum="md5" # Fallback from `md5sum` to `md5`
command -v sha1sum > /dev/null || alias sha1sum="shasum" # Fallback from `sha1sum` to `shasum`
command -v hd > /dev/null || alias hd='hexdump -C' # Cannonical hex dump; some systems have this symlinked
command -v md5sum > /dev/null || alias md5sum='md5' # Fallback from `md5sum` to `md5`
command -v sha1sum > /dev/null || alias sha1sum='shasum' # Fallback from `sha1sum` to `shasum`
command -v vim > /dev/null && alias vi='vim' || alias vim='vi' # Only use vi if vim isn't found, alias it to vim if it is
# X11 clipboard (either using xclip or xsel, xsel takes precedence if both)
command -v xclip > /dev/null && alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard'
@ -117,32 +118,38 @@ alias torify='source torsocks on' # Pass every command via torsocks
alias untorify='source torsocks off' # Stop passing commands via torsocks
# Firewall aliases (IPTables/UFW)
command -v ufw > /dev/null && alias ufw-log='journalctl -f -n 100 -g ufw' # Show UFW log entries in system journal
command -v ufw > /dev/null && alias firewall='ufw' || alias firewall='iptables'
alias ipt='iptables' # Shortcut
alias iptlist='iptables -L -n -v --line-numbers' # All rules
alias iptlistin='iptables -L INPUT -n -v --line-numbers' # IN rules
alias iptlistout='iptables -L OUTPUT -n -v --line-numbers' # OUT rules
alias iptlistfw='iptables -L FORWARD -n -v --line-numbers' # FORWARD rules
alias ufw-log='journalctl -f -n 100 -g ufw' # Show UFW log entries in system journal
# System
alias meminfo='free -m -l -t'
alias cpuinfo='lscpu'
alias batinfo='sudo watch -d -n 2 tlp-stat -b'
alias gpumeminfo='frep -i --color memory /var/log/Xorg.0.log'
alias distro='cat /etc/*-release'
alias diskspace_report="df -P -kHl"
# System actions
alias sv='systemctl'
alias backup="rsync -avHAXS --delete --filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter'" # Make full rsync backup, respecting .rsync-filter files for exclusions
alias upload='curl -F "f:1=<-" ix.io'
alias upload-journal='sudo journalctl -b -1 | upload' # Upload journalctl from last boot to ix.io
alias cpu-stress='for i in $(seq $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)); do yes > /dev/null & done' # Run `yes > /dev/null` on all cores as stress test
alias nvidia='__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia' # Run app with nvidia (on hybrid mode with optimus)
alias swapout='sudo swapoff -a; sudo swapon -a' # Reset swap (move everything to RAM)
alias mount-ram='mount -t tmpfs tmpfs' # Mount RAM disk for fast filesystem
alias upload-journal='sudo journalctl -b -1 | curl -F "f:1=<-" ix.io' # Upload journalctl from last boot to ix.io
alias sv='systemctl'
alias backup="rsync -avHAXS --delete --filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter'" # Make full rsync backup, respecting .rsync-filter files for exclusions
# Processes
# System info
alias meminfo='free -m -l -t'
alias cpuinfo='lscpu'
alias batinfo='sudo watch -d -n 2 tlp-stat -b'
alias gpumeminfo='frep -i --color memory /var/log/Xorg.0.log'
alias journalerr='sudo journalctl -p 3 -xb'
alias distro='cat /etc/*-release'
alias diskspace_report="df -P -kHl"
alias kernel='uname -r'
# System processes
alias psmem='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4' # Top memory eaters
alias psmem10='psmem | head -10' # Top 10 memory eaters
alias pscpu='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3' # Top cpu eaters
alias pscpu10='pscpu | head -10' # Top 10 cpu eaters
alias psg='ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -i -e VSZ -e' # Get searchable process with nice output
# Time info
@ -161,17 +168,18 @@ alias cleanup='clean-trash && clean-down && clean-journal && clean-pacman'
# Git aliases
alias g='git'
alias gs='git status'
alias gc='git commit'
alias gcm='git commit -m'
alias ga='git add'
alias gaa='git add all'
alias gb='git branch'
alias gch='git checkout'
alias gc='git commit'
alias gcm='git commit -m' && alias commit='git commit -m'
alias gp='git push' && alias push='git push'
alias gpl='git pull' && alias pull='git pull'
alias gf='git fetch' && alias fetch='git fetch'
alias gb='git branch' && alias branch='git branch'
alias gch='git checkout' && alias checkout='git checkout'
alias gau='git add -u' && alias addup='git add -u'
alias gchb='git checkout -b'
alias gcda='git diff --cached' # Diff any files staged for commit
alias gf='git fetch'
alias gm='git merge'
alias gp='git push'
alias glog='git log --oneline --decorate --graph'
alias gundo='git reset HEAD~'
alias gredo="git reset 'HEAD@{1}'"
@ -200,7 +208,18 @@ alias pac-group-packages='pacman -Sg' # List all packages which will be installe
alias pac-group-packages-local='pacman -Qg' # Only list locally installed packages from given group
alias vuln='arch-audit' # Show vulnerable packages that can be upgraded (Arch Linux)
alias vuln-upgrade="pacman -Sy \"\$(arch-audit --upgradable --quiet | awk '{sub(/>=.+/, \"\"); print}' | paste -s -d ' ')\"" # Upgrade all vulnerable packages, with released fixes
alias create_mirror_list='reflector --country Slovakia --country Czechia --country Poland --country Hungary --country Ukraine --country Germany --country US --latest 800 --protocol https --sort rate --save mirrorlist'
# Get fastest mirrors (using reflector)
alias mirror="sudo reflector -f 30 -l 30 --number 10 --verbose --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
alias mirrord="sudo reflector --latest 50 --number 20 --sort delay --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
alias mirrors="sudo reflector --latest 50 --number 20 --sort score --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
alias mirrora="sudo reflector --latest 50 --number 20 --sort age --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
# Youtube-dl aliases
alias ytv-best='youtube-dl -f bestvideo+bestaudio'
alias yta-best='youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format best'
alias yta-mp3='youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3'
alias yta-wav='youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format wav'
# Shell aliases
alias reload="exec \$SHELL" # Reload the shell (i.e. invoke as a login shell)
@ -208,6 +227,8 @@ alias path='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}' # Print each PATH entry on a separate line
alias unsudo='sudo -k' # Reset sudo timeout (sudo will require password)
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
alias colors-256='curl -s https://gist.githubusercontent.com/HaleTom/89ffe32783f89f403bba96bd7bcd1263/raw/ | bash' # Show color table
alias tty-clock='tty-clock -Ssc' # Terminal clock screensaver
alias rick='curl -s -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ItsDrike/rickrollrc/master/roll.sh| bash' # Terminal rickroll
# If user is not root, pass all commands via sudo
if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
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