#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # Arch installation script to be ran during OS installation, after chroot. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$UID" != 0 ]; then echo >&2 "The script must be ran as root (after arch installation)!" exit 1 fi # cd into the dotfiles dir, no matter where the script was called from pushd "$(dirname "$0")" # Install essential packages pacman -Syu --noconfirm networkmanager neovim sudo reflector pacman-contrib man-db man-pages rsync btop bind tldr base-devel git pkgfile # Install packages necessary for this script / other scripts in this dotfiles repo pacman -Syu --noconfirm python-rich bc lua jq bat # Copy over system configuration data cp root/etc/pacman.conf /etc cp root/etc/hosts /etc install -m 640 root/etc/sudoers /etc install -m 640 root/etc/sudoers.d/* /etc/sudoers.d cp root/etc/modprobe.d/nobeep.conf /etc/modprobe.d # disable motherboard speaker cp root/etc/sysctl.d/* /etc/sysctl.d # override some kernel parameters with more sensible values cp -r root/etc/xdg/reflector /etc/xdg cp -r root/usr/local/bin /usr/local cp root/.rsync-filter / # Sync pacman repos after /etc/pacman.conf got updated sudo pacman -Sy # Copy ZSH shell configuration cp -a home/.zshenv ~ mkdir -p ~/.config cp -ra home/.config/shell ~/.config cp -ra home/.config/zsh ~/.config rm ~/.config/shell/py-alias # we don't need pyenv python aliases for root rm -rf ~/.config/zsh/.zgenom git clone https://github.com/jandamm/zgenom ~/.config/zsh/.zgenom install -m 700 -d ~/.local/share/gnupg # Install zsh and make it the default shell for root sudo pacman -S --noconfirm zsh chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh root # Enable some basic services systemctl enable systemd-resolved systemctl enable NetworkManager systemctl enable paccache.timer systemctl enable reflector.timer systemctl enable pkgfile-update.timer echo "You can exit the chroot and re-run it with: arch-chroot /mnt zsh" echo "This will put you into a configured ZSH shell, you can continue" \ "configuring the rest of the system manually from there"