#!/bin/zsh # User .profile definition. # This file is only sourced once, after login, Unlike # .zshrc/.bashrc, which will run whenever a new terminal # is opened. # Add all folders in ~/.local/bin into PATH # Some window managers require this line to be in profile # not in .zshenv PATH+=":${$(find ~/.local/bin -type d | tr '\n' ':')%%:}" if [ -d "$HOME/.local/share/pyenv/shims" ]; then PATH+=":$HOME/.local/share/pyenv/shims" fi # Start graphical session automatically on tty1 if Hyprland or startx is available if [ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ] && [ "$UID" != 0 ]; then if command -v Hyprland >/dev/null; then ! pidof -s Hyprland >/dev/null 2>&1 && launch-hypr elif command -v startx >/dev/null; then ! pidof -s Xorg >/dev/null 2>&1 && exec startx "$XINITRC" fi fi