local vim = require("vim") local cmd = vim.cmd local o = vim.opt cmd[[syntax on]] -- Turn on syntax highlighting o.cursorline = true -- Highlight cursor line o.laststatus = 2 -- Always show status line o.number = true -- Show line numbers o.relativenumber = true -- Use relative line numbers o.showmatch = true -- Show matching bracket o.scrolloff = 5 -- Keep 5 lines horizontal scrolloff o.sidescrolloff = 5 -- Keep 5 chars vertical scrolloff -- I wasn't able to find a way to set guioptions directly in lua cmd[[ set guioptions-=m " Remove menubar set guioptions-=T " Remove toolbar set guioptions-=r " Remove right-hand scrollbar set guioptions-=L " Remove left-hand scrollbar ]] -- Use more noticable cursor line color cmd[[highlight CursorLine guibg=#2b2b2b]] -- Don't use true colors in TTY o.termguicolors = os.getenv("DISPLAY") and true or false