#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import annotations import os import hashlib import sys from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator from enum import Enum, auto from pathlib import Path from typing import NamedTuple try: import rich except ImportError: print("rich not found (`pip install rich`), falling back to no colors", file=sys.stderr) rich = None DOTROOTDIR = Path("./root") ROOTDIR = Path("/") DOTHOMEDIR = Path("./home") HOMEDIR = Path(f"~{os.environ.get('SUDO_USER', os.getlogin())}") # Make sure we use correct home even in sudo class DiffStatus(Enum): NOT_FOUND = auto() PERMISSION_ERROR = auto() MATCH = auto() EXPECTED_SYMLINK = auto() UNEXPECTED_SYMLINK = auto() CONTENT_DIFFERS = auto() SYMLINK_DIFFERS = auto() UNEXPECTED_DIRECTORY = auto() class FileDiff(NamedTuple): dot_file: Path sys_file: Path status: DiffStatus def __repr__(self) -> str: dot_file = str(self.rel_dot_file) sys_file = str(self.sys_file) status = self.status.name return f"FileDiff({dot_file=}, {sys_file=}, {status=})" @property def rel_dot_file(self) -> Path: """Returns path to a dot_file relative to workdir.""" return self.dot_file.relative_to(Path.cwd()) def iter_dir(directory: Path) -> Iterator[Path]: """Recursively iterate over given directory and yield all files in it.""" for subpath in directory.iterdir(): if subpath.is_file() or subpath.is_symlink(): yield subpath else: yield from iter_dir(subpath) def file_sum(file: Path) -> str: """Compute SHA-256 hash sum of given file.""" sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256() with file.open("rb") as f: for byte_block in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""): sha256_hash.update(byte_block) return sha256_hash.hexdigest() def compare_files(dot_file: Path, sys_file: Path) -> DiffStatus: """Compare two files returning their diff status.""" try: if not sys_file.exists(): return DiffStatus.NOT_FOUND except PermissionError: return DiffStatus.PERMISSION_ERROR if dot_file.is_symlink(): if sys_file.is_symlink(): if dot_file.readlink() == sys_file.readlink(): return DiffStatus.MATCH else: # In case the sys_file link uses an absolute path, make sure # it points to the same location, even if that location is a # symlink. dot_target = sys_file.parent.joinpath(dot_file.readlink()).absolute() sys_target = sys_file.parent.joinpath(sys_file.readlink()).absolute() if dot_target == sys_target: return DiffStatus.MATCH return DiffStatus.SYMLINK_DIFFERS return DiffStatus.EXPECTED_SYMLINK elif sys_file.is_symlink(): return DiffStatus.UNEXPECTED_SYMLINK if sys_file.is_dir(): return DiffStatus.UNEXPECTED_DIRECTORY try: if file_sum(dot_file) == file_sum(sys_file): return DiffStatus.MATCH except PermissionError: return DiffStatus.PERMISSION_ERROR return DiffStatus.CONTENT_DIFFERS def iter_pairs() -> Iterator[tuple[Path, Path]]: """Go through all files in the dotfiles directories and match them to system paths. Yields tuples of (dotfile file path, matching system path) """ for dot_file in iter_dir(DOTHOMEDIR): real_file = Path(HOMEDIR, *dot_file.parts[1:]) yield dot_file.expanduser().absolute(), real_file.expanduser().absolute() for dot_file in iter_dir(DOTROOTDIR): real_file = Path(ROOTDIR, *dot_file.parts[1:]) yield dot_file.expanduser().absolute(), real_file.expanduser().absolute() def iter_diffs() -> Iterator[FileDiff]: """Go through all files and compute their diffs.""" for dot_file, sys_file in iter_pairs(): diff_status = compare_files(dot_file, sys_file) yield FileDiff(dot_file, sys_file, diff_status) def print_status(diffs: Iterable[FileDiff]) -> None: """Pretty print the individual diff statuses.""" # Exhause the iterable, and ensure we work on a copy diffs = list(diffs) # Sort by DiffStatus, with MATCH entries being first diffs.sort(key=lambda v: (v.status is not DiffStatus.MATCH, v.status.name)) if rich is None: for diff in diffs: print(f"{diff.status.name} -> {diff.sys_file}") return from rich.table import Table table = Table() table.add_column("Status") table.add_column("System file", style="magenta") table.add_column("Dotfile file", style="magenta") for diff in diffs: _str_status = diff.status.name.replace("_", " ") if diff.status is DiffStatus.MATCH: status_str = (f"[green]{_str_status}[/green]") elif diff.status is DiffStatus.PERMISSION_ERROR: status_str = f"[bold yellow]{_str_status}[/bold yellow]" elif diff.status is DiffStatus.NOT_FOUND: status_str = f"[bold orange_red1]{_str_status}[/bold orange_red1]" else: status_str = f"[bold red]{_str_status}[/bold red]" try: # Unexpand home (/home/xyz/foo -> ~/foo) sys_file = Path("~") / diff.sys_file.relative_to(Path.home()) except ValueError: # File not in home sys_file = diff.sys_file sys_file = str(sys_file) dot_file = "./" + str(diff.rel_dot_file) table.add_row(status_str, sys_file, dot_file) rich.print(table) def exclude_fun(diff: FileDiff) -> bool: EXCLUDE_RULES = [ lambda d: d.status is DiffStatus.MATCH, lambda d: d.dot_file.name == ".keep" and d.sys_file.parent.is_dir(), lambda d: Path("root/etc/opensnitchd/rules") in d.rel_dot_file.parents, lambda d: Path("root/usr/local/src/eww") in d.rel_dot_file.parents, lambda d: Path("root/usr/local/src/z.lua") in d.rel_dot_file.parents, lambda d: Path("root/usr/local/src/Hyprland") in d.rel_dot_file.parents, lambda d: Path("root/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/zsh-you-should-use") in d.rel_dot_file.parents, lambda d: Path("root/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/zsh-syntax-highlighting") in d.rel_dot_file.parents, lambda d: Path("root/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/zsh-autosuggestions") in d.rel_dot_file.parents, lambda d: Path("home/.cache/zsh/history") == d.rel_dot_file and d.status is DiffStatus.CONTENT_DIFFERS, lambda d: Path("home/.config/nomacs/Image Lounge.conf") == d.rel_dot_file and d.status is DiffStatus.CONTENT_DIFFERS, lambda d: Path("home/.config/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf") == d.rel_dot_file and d.status is DiffStatus.CONTENT_DIFFERS, ] for exc_rule in EXCLUDE_RULES: if exc_rule(diff): return False return True def main() -> None: diffs = iter_diffs() diffs = filter(exclude_fun, diffs) print_status(diffs) if __name__ == "__main__": main()