#!/bin/bash # $1: Current number # $2: Range minimum # $3: Range maximum # $4-: Icons as individual arguments pick_icon() { cur="$1" min="$2" max="$3" shift 3 icons=( "$@" ) index="$(echo "($cur-$min)/(($max-$min)/${#icons[@]})" | bc)" # Print the picked icon, handling overflows/underflows, i.e. if our index is <0 or >len(icons) if [ "$index" -ge "${#icons[@]}" ]; then index=-1 elif [ "$index" -lt 0 ]; then index=0 fi echo "${icons[index]}" } # Will block and listen to the hyprland socket messages and output them # Generally used like: hyprland_ipc | while read line; do handle $line; done # Read <https://wiki.hyprland.org/IPC/> for output format and available events # Note: requires openbsd version of netcat. # $1 - Optional event to listen for (no event filtering will be done if not provided) hyprland_ipc() { if [ -z "$HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE" ]; then >&2 echo "Hyprland is not running, IPC not available" exit 1 fi SOCKET_PATH="/tmp/hypr/$HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE/.socket2.sock" if [ -z "$1" ]; then nc -U "$SOCKET_PATH" | while read -r test; do echo "$test" done else nc -U "$SOCKET_PATH" | while read -r test; do # shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo "$test" | grep --line-buffered -E "^$1>>" | stdbuf -oL awk -F '>>' '{print $2}' done fi }