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-- generic LSP settings
-- -- make sure server will always be installed even if the server is in skipped_servers list
-- lvim.lsp.installer.setup.ensure_installed = {
-- "sumeko_lua",
-- "jsonls",
-- }
-- -- change UI setting of `LspInstallInfo`
-- -- see <https://github.com/williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer#default-configuration>
-- lvim.lsp.installer.setup.ui.check_outdated_servers_on_open = false
-- lvim.lsp.installer.setup.ui.border = "rounded"
-- lvim.lsp.installer.setup.ui.keymaps = {
-- uninstall_server = "d",
-- toggle_server_expand = "o",
-- }
-- ---@usage disable automatic installation of servers
lvim.lsp.installer.setup.automatic_installation = false
-- ---configure a server manually. !!Requires `:LvimCacheReset` to take effect!!
-- ---see the full default list `:lua print(vim.inspect(lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers))`
-- vim.list_extend(lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers, { "pyright" })
-- local opts = {} -- check the lspconfig documentation for a list of all possible options
-- require("lvim.lsp.manager").setup("pyright", opts)
-- ---remove a server from the skipped list, e.g. eslint, or emmet_ls. !!Requires `:LvimCacheReset` to take effect!!
-- ---`:LvimInfo` lists which server(s) are skipped for the current filetype
-- lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers = vim.tbl_filter(function(server)
-- return server ~= "emmet_ls"
-- end, lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers)
-- -- you can set a custom on_attach function that will be used for all the language servers
-- -- See <https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig#keybindings-and-completion>
-- lvim.lsp.on_attach_callback = function(client, bufnr)
-- local function buf_set_option(...)
-- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, ...)
-- end
-- --Enable completion triggered by <c-x><c-o>
-- buf_set_option("omnifunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc")
-- end
-- set a formatter, this will override the language server formatting capabilities (if it exists)
lvim.format_on_save = false
local formatters = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters"
formatters.setup {
-- each formatter accepts a list of options identical to
-- https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim/blob/main/doc/BUILTINS.md#Configuration
{ command = "black", filetypes = { "python" } },
{ command = "isort", filetypes = { "python" } },
command = "prettier",
extra_args = { "--print-width", "100" },
filetypes = { "typescript", "typescriptreact" },
{ command = "stylua", filetypes = { "lua" } },
-- { command = "rustfmt", filetypes = { "rust" } },
-- set additional linters
local linters = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.linters"
linters.setup {
-- Each linter accepts a list of options identical to
-- https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim/blob/main/doc/BUILTINS.md#Configuration
{ command = "flake8", filetypes = { "python" } },
{ command = "shellcheck", extra_args = { "--severity", "warning" } },
{ command = "codespell", filetypes = { "javascript", "python", "lua" } },
{ command = "luacheck", filetypes = { "lua" } },