mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 11:29:02 +00:00
226 lines
4.5 KiB
226 lines
4.5 KiB
# ######################
# ######################
general {
disable_loading_bar = false
hide_cursor = true
grace = 3
auth {
pam:enabled = true
#fingerprint:enabled = true
background {
path = ~/Media/Pictures/Wallpapers/Categories/Extra/origami.png
blur_passes = 3
blur_size = 6
#contrast = 0.7
#brightness = 0.7
noise = 0.01
contrast = 0.9
brightness = 0.6
# #######################
# #######################
# Use a swaylock-like circle, lighting up random segments as you type
input-field {
size = 300, 250
rounding = -1
outline_thickness = 30
outer_color = rgba(33ccffee)
inner_color = rgb(29, 31, 33)
font_color = rgb(100, 100, 100)
check_color = rgba(cc8822ff) # override outer_color while checking the pw (could take a while sometimes - pam lockouts)
fail_color = rgba(cc2222ff) # override outer_color and fail message color if auth failed
fail_transition = 500 # transition time in ms between normal outer_color and fail_color
fail_text = # Leave this empty (amt of attempts and fail reason shown with labels)
invert_numlock = true # use numlock_color instead of outer color when numlock is off, not on
capslock_color = rgba(fad03cff)
numlock_color = rgba(bdba03ff)
bothlock_color = rgba(dcc520ff)
hide_input = true
fade_on_empty = false
placeholder_text = # Leave this empty
position = 0, 0
halign = center
valign = center
# Show time (inside of the circle)
label {
text = cmd[update:200] date +'%H:%M:%S'
color = rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)
font_size = 35
font_family = Noto Sans
position = 0, 30
halign = center
valign = center
# Show date (inside of the circle, below time)
label {
text = cmd[update:1000] date +'%a, %x'
color = rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)
font_size = 20
font_family = Noto Sans
position = 0, -20
halign = center
valign = center
# Keyboard layout
label {
text = cmd[update:200] hyprctl devices -j | jq -r '.keyboards[] | select(.name == "at-translated-set-2-keyboard") | .active_keymap'
color = rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)
font_size = 10
font_family = Noto Sans
position = 0, -90
halign = center
valign = center
# ####################
# ### OTHER LABELS ###
# ####################
# Failed attempts count
label {
text = <i>Logged <span foreground='##FFA500'>$ATTEMPTS[0]</span> failure(s)</i>
color = rgba(153, 153, 153, 1.0) # gray
font_size = 14
font_family = Noto Sans
shadow_passes = 1
shadow_size = 1
shadow_boost = 1.0
position = 0, -200
halign = center
valign = center
# Fail reason
label {
text = <i>$FAIL</i>
color = rgba(255, 34, 34, 1.0) # red
font_size = 14
font_family = Noto Sans
shadow_passes = 1
shadow_size = 1
shadow_boost = 1.0
position = 0, -230
halign = center
valign = center
# Fingerprint scan status
label {
text = <i>$FPRINTMESSAGE</i>
color = rgba(153, 153, 153, 1.0) # gray
font_size = 14
font_family = Noto Sans
shadow_passes = 1
shadow_size = 1
shadow_boost = 1.0
position = 0, 0
halign = center
valign = bottom
# Splash text
label {
text = Session Locked
color = rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)
font_size = 40
font_family = Monaspace Krypton
shadow_passes = 1
shadow_size = 5
shadow_boost = 1.8
position = 0, 220
halign = center
valign = center
# Device uptime
label {
text = cmd[update:1000] echo " $(uptime -p | sed -e 's/^up //' -e 's/ years\?,\?/y/' -e 's/ months\?,\?/m/' -e 's/ weeks\?,\?/w/' -e 's/ days\?,\?/d/' -e 's/ hours\?,\?/h/' -e 's/ minutes\?.\?/m/' -e 's/ seconds\?,\?/s/' | cut -d' ' -f-2)"
color = rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)
font_size = 11
font_family = Noto Sans
position = -90, -20
halign = right
valign = top
# Battery percentage
label {
text = cmd[update:1000] echo " $(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity)%"
color = rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)
font_size = 11
font_family = Noto Sans
shadow_passes = 1
shadow_size = 5
shadow_boost = 1.8
position = -20, -20
halign = right
valign = top
# User account
label {
text = $USER
color = rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)
font_size = 11
font_family = Noto Sans
shadow_passes = 1
shadow_size = 5
shadow_boost = 1.8
position = 20, -20
halign = left
valign = top
# Recovery email (lost device)
label {
text = recovery@itsdrike.com
color = rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)
font_size = 11
font_family = Noto Sans
shadow_passes = 1
shadow_size = 5
shadow_boost = 1.8
position = 20, 12
halign = left
valign = bottom
# vi: ft=hyprlang