mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 21:29:02 +00:00
210 lines
5.8 KiB
210 lines
5.8 KiB
}: let
inherit (lib) mkIf;
cfg = osConfig.myOptions.home-manager.programs.screen-lockers.hyprlock;
in {
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
programs.hyprlock = {
enable = true;
settings = {
general = {
disable_loading_bar = false;
hide_cursor = true;
grace = 3;
background = [
# TODO: Keep the wallpaper in dotfiles
path = "~/Media/Pictures/Wallpapers/Categories/Extra/origami.png";
blur_passes = 3;
blur_size = 6;
#contrast = 0.7;
#brightness = 0.7;
noise = 0.01;
contrast = 0.9;
brightness = 0.6;
# Password circle
input-field = [
size = "300, 250";
rounding = -1;
outline_thickness = 30;
outer_color = "rgba(129, 162, 190, 85)";
inner_color = "rgb(29, 31, 33)";
font_color = "rgb(100, 100, 100)";
check_color = "rgb(204, -136, 34)"; # override outer_color while checking the pw (could take a while sometimes - pam lockouts)
fail_color = "rgb(204, 34, 34)"; # override outer_color and fail message color if auth failed
fail_transition = 500; # transition time in ms between normal outer_color and fail_color
fail_text = ""; # Leave this empty (amt of attempts and fail reason shown with labels)
hide_input = true;
fade_on_empty = false;
placeholder_text = ""; # Leave this empty
position = "0, 0";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
label = [
# Show time (inside of the circle)
text = "cmd[update:200] date +'%H:%M:%S'";
color = "rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)";
font_size = 35;
font_family = "Noto Sans";
position = "0, 30";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
# Show date (inside of the circle, below time)
text = "cmd[update:1000] date +'%a, %d-%m-%Y'";
color = "rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)";
font_size = 20;
font_family = "Noto Sans";
position = "0, -20";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
# Keyboard layout
text = "cmd[update:200] hyprctl devices -j | jq -r '.keyboards[] | select(.name == \"at-translated-set-2-keyboard\") | .active_keymap'";
color = "rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)";
font_size = 10;
font_family = "Noto Sans";
position = "0, -90";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
# Failed attempts count
text = "<i>Logged <span foreground='##FFA500'>$ATTEMPTS[0]</span> failure(s)</i>";
color = "rgba(153, 153, 153, 1.0)"; # gray
font_size = 14;
font_family = "Noto Sans";
shadow_passes = 1;
shadow_size = 1.2;
shadow_boost = 1.0;
position = "0, -200";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
# Fail reason
text = "<i>$FAIL</i>";
color = "rgba(255, 34, 34, 1.0)"; # red
font_size = 14;
font_family = "Noto Sans";
shadow_passes = 1;
shadow_size = 1.2;
shadow_boost = 1.0;
position = "0, -230";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
# Splash text
text = "Session Locked";
color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)";
font_size = 40;
font_family = "Monaspace Krypton";
shadow_passes = 1;
shadow_size = 5;
shadow_boost = 1.8;
position = "0, 220";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
# Device uptime
text = "cmd[update:1000] echo \" $(awk '{days=int($1/86400); hours=int(($1%86400)/3600); minutes=int(($1%3600)/60); if (days>0) printf \"%dd %dh %dm\\n\", days, hours, minutes; else if (hours>0) printf \"%dh %dm\\n\", hours, minutes; else printf \"%dm\\n\", minutes; }' /proc/uptime)\"";
color = "rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)";
font_size = 11;
font_family = "Noto Sans";
position = "-90, -20";
halign = "right";
valign = "top";
# Battery percentage
text = "cmd[update:1000] echo \" $(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity)%\"";
color = "rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)";
font_size = 11;
font_family = "Noto Sans";
shadow_passes = 1;
shadow_size = 5;
shadow_boost = 1.8;
position = "-20, -20";
halign = "right";
valign = "top";
# User account
text = " $USER";
color = "rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)";
font_size = 11;
font_family = "Noto Sans";
shadow_passes = 1;
shadow_size = 5;
shadow_boost = 1.8;
position = "20, -20";
halign = "left";
valign = "top";
# Recovery email (lost device)
text = "recovery@itsdrike.com";
color = "rgba(129, 162, 190, 1.0)";
font_size = 11;
font_family = "Noto Sans";
shadow_passes = 1;
shadow_size = 5;
shadow_boost = 1.8;
position = "20, 12";
halign = "left";
valign = "bottom";