#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck source=include source "./scripts/include" # $BATTERY and $ADAPTER env vars can be set manually, being the names of the # devices (in /sys/class/power_supply/) i.e. BATTERY=BAT0 ADAPTER=ADP0 # or, if left unset, they will be automatically picked. CAPACITY_ICONS=("" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "") CHARGING_ICON="" DISCHARGING_ICON="" FULL_ICON="" # Plugged in, but no longer charging (fully charged) CRITICAL_ICON="" CRITICAL_PERCENTAGE=15 if [ -z "$BATTERY" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2010 BATTERY="$(\ls -t /sys/class/power_supply | grep "BAT" | head -n 1)" fi if [ -z "$ADAPTER" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2010 ADAPTER="$(\ls -t /sys/class/power_supply | grep -E "ADP|AC" | head -n 1)" fi get_bat_info() { cat /sys/class/power_supply/"$BATTERY"/"$1" } get_adp_info() { cat /sys/class/power_supply/"$ADAPTER"/"$1" } manufacturer="$(get_bat_info manufacturer)" model_name="$(get_bat_info model_name)" technology="$(get_bat_info technology)" energy_now="$(get_bat_info energy_now)" energy_full="$(get_bat_info energy_full)" energy_full_design="$(get_bat_info energy_full_design)" cycle_count="$(get_bat_info cycle_count)" capacity="$(get_bat_info capacity)" status="$(get_bat_info status)" [ "$(get_adp_info online)" -eq 1 ] && adp_connected="true" || adp_connected="false" # Quick overrides to showcase how battery works # capacity=100 # adp_connected="true" # status="Charging" # status="Not charging" # status="Discharging" full="false" capacity_icon="$(pick_icon "$capacity" 0 100 "${CAPACITY_ICONS[@]}")" if [ "$status" = "Not charging" ] || [ "$status" = "Full" ] && [ "$adp_connected" = "true" ]; then extra_icon="$FULL_ICON" full="true" elif [ "$status" = "Discharging" ] && [ "$capacity" -le "$CRITICAL_PERCENTAGE" ]; then extra_icon="$CRITICAL_ICON" elif [ "$status" = "Discharging" ]; then extra_icon="$DISCHARGING_ICON" elif [ "$status" = "Charging" ]; then extra_icon="$CHARGING_ICON" fi [ "$capacity" -le "$CRITICAL_PERCENTAGE" ] && critical="true" || critical="false" jq -n -c --monochrome-output \ --arg percent "$capacity" \ --arg plugged "$adp_connected" \ --arg status "$status" \ --arg capacity_icon "$capacity_icon" \ --arg extra_icon "$extra_icon" \ --arg manufacturer "$manufacturer" \ --arg model_name "$model_name" \ --arg technology "$technology" \ --arg energy_now "$energy_now" \ --arg energy_full "$energy_full" \ --arg energy_full_design "$energy_full_design" \ --arg cycle_count "$cycle_count" \ --arg critical "$critical" \ --arg full "$full" \ '$ARGS.named'