" vim:ft=vim " :com[mand][!] command_name action " The following macros can be used in a command " %a is replaced with the user arguments. " %c the current file under the cursor. " %C the current file under the cursor in the other directory. " %f the current selected file, or files. " %F the current selected file, or files in the other directory. " %b same as %f %F. " %d the current directory name. " %D the other window directory name. " %m run the command in a menu window " more information: https://vifm.info/vimdoc.shtml#vifm-macros command! df df -h %m 2> /dev/null command! diff nvim -d %f %F command! run !! ./%f command! make !!make %a command! mkcd :mkdir %a | cd %a command! vgrep vim "+grep %a" command! reload :write | restart command! dragon dragon-drop -a -x %f command! clear vifmimg clear command! print lp -n 1 -o sides=two-sided-long-edge %f command! sudoedit sudoedit %c