# Attribute set of files to link into the user's XDG directories { config, ... }: let XDG_CACHE_HOME = config.xdg.cacheHome; XDG_CONFIG_HOME = config.xdg.configHome; XDG_DATA_HOME = config.xdg.dataHome; XDG_STATE_HOME = config.xdg.stateHome; XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = config.home.sessionVariables.XDG_RUNTIME_DIR; XDG_BIN_HOME = config.home.sessionVariables.XDG_BIN_HOME; in { # Variables set to force apps into the XDG base directories # These will get set at login # Defined in /etc/profiles/per-user/$USER/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh home.sessionVariables = { # General applications / tools LESSHISTFILE = "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/less/history"; WINEPREFIX = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/wine"; MPLAYER_HOME = "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mplayer"; WAKATIME_HOME = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/wakatime"; SQLITE_HISTORY = "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sqlite_history"; PARALLEL_HOME = "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/parallel"; # Programming languages / tools / package managers ANDROID_HOME = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/android"; DOCKER_CONFIG = "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/docker"; GRADLE_USER_HOME = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/gradle"; GOPATH = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/go"; M2_HOME = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/m2"; _JAVA_OPTIONS = "-Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/java"; CARGO_HOME = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/cargo"; ## npm/node NODE_REPL_HISTORY = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/node_repl_history"; NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG = "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/npm/npmrc"; NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/npm"; NPM_CONFIG_CACHE = "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/npm"; NPM_CONFIG_TMP = "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/npm"; ## dotnet DOTNET_CLI_HOME = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/dotnet"; NUGET_PACKAGES = "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/NuGetPackages"; ## Python PYTHONSTARTUP = "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/python/pythonrc.py"; PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX = "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/python"; PYTHONUSERBASE = "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/python"; MYPY_CACHE_DIR = "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/mypy"; IPYTHONDIR = "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/ipython"; JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR = "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/jupyter"; }; # Create the following files in XDG_CONFIG_HOME, for purposes of # forcing apps to use the XDG base directories xdg.configFile = { "npm/npmrc".text = '' prefix=${XDG_DATA_HOME}/npm cache=${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/npm tmp=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/npm init-module=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/npm/config/npm-init.js ''; "python/pythonrc.py".text = '' import atexit import os import readline from functools import partial from pathlib import Path from types import ModuleType cache_xdg_dir = Path( os.environ.get("XDG_CACHE_HOME", str(Path("~/.cache").expanduser())) ) cache_xdg_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) history_file = cache_xdg_dir.joinpath("python_history") history_file.touch() readline.read_history_file(history_file) def write_history(readline: ModuleType, history_file: Path) -> None: """ We need to get ``readline`` and ``history_file`` as arguments, as it seems they get garbage collected when the function is registered and the program ends, even though we refer to them here. """ readline.write_history_file(history_file) atexit.register(partial(write_history, readline, history_file)) ''; }; # Set the following aliases to force applications to use a config file # in the proper XDG location home.shellAliases = { wget = "wget --hsts-file='\${XDG_DATA_HOME}/wget-hsts'"; }; }