{ lib, osConfig, inputs, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkIf; cfg = osConfig.myOptions.home-manager.programs.applications.spotify; spicePkgs = inputs.spicetify.legacyPackages.${pkgs.system}; in { imports = [inputs.spicetify.homeManagerModules.default]; config = mkIf cfg.enable { programs.spicetify = { enable = true; theme = spicePkgs.themes.catppuccin; colorScheme = "mocha"; enabledCustomApps = with spicePkgs.apps; [ # Official apps lyricsPlus newReleases # Community apps ncsVisualizer historyInSidebar ]; enabledExtensions = with spicePkgs.extensions; [ # Official extensions bookmark fullAppDisplay loopyLoop popupLyrics shuffle trashbin # Community extensions groupSession skipOrPlayLikedSongs fullAlbumDate goToSong listPlaylistsWithSong wikify songStats showQueueDuration history betterGenres #hidePodcasts #adblock # I currently have premium playNext volumePercentage copyLyrics playingSource ]; }; }; }