ItsDrike 00016063fe
Use roles properly
Originally, I was including all role configurations for all hosts, and
controlling which get applied in the role configs with a check in each
file. This is a very repetetive and annoying approach. Instead, now the
role directory is included manually from the hosts config for devices
which meet that role, removing the role options.
2024-09-24 11:42:40 +02:00

23 lines
986 B

{pkgs, ...}: {
# avoid the linux kernel locking itself when we're putting too much strain on the memory
# this helps avoid having to shut down forcefully when we OOM
services.earlyoom = {
enable = true;
enableNotifications = true; # annoying, but we want to know what's killed
freeSwapThreshold = 2;
freeMemThreshold = 2;
extraArgs = [
"-g" # kill all processes within a process group
"--avoid 'Hyprland|soffice|soffice.bin|firefox|thunderbird)$'" # things we want to not kill
"--prefer '^(electron|.*.exe)$'" # I wish we could kill electron permanently
# we should ideally write the logs into a designated log file; or even better, to the journal
# for now we can hope this echo sends the log to somewhere we can observe later
killHook = pkgs.writeShellScript "earlyoom-kill-hook" ''
echo "Process $EARLYOOM_NAME ($EARLYOOM_PID) was killed"