ItsDrike ac23da55c5
Add eww bar
This configuration was simply copied from my old Arch Linux system.
There are some issues that still need to be solved, namely with fonts
and missing bitcoin price script, but it's mostly minor.
2024-06-20 14:05:43 +02:00

63 lines
1.7 KiB

}: let
inherit (lib) mkIf;
cfg = osConfig.myOptions.home-manager.programs.bars.eww;
in {
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
programs.eww = {
enable = true;
configDir = ./config;
}; = {
"eww" = {
Unit = {
Description = "ElKowar's Wacky Widgets (eww) daemon";
After = [ "" ];
PartOf = [ "" ];
Service = {
Type = "simple";
Restart = "always";
ExecStart = pkgs.writeShellScript "eww-daemon" ''
${pkgs.eww}/bin/eww daemon --no-daemonize
# Takes a value between -20 and 19. Higher values (e.g. 19) mean lower priority.
# Lower priority means the process will get less CPU time and therefore will be slower.
# Fortunately, I do not need my status bar to be fast. Also, te difference is almost
# unnoticeable and definitely negligible.
Nice = 19;
Install.WantedBy = [ "" ];
"eww-window@" = {
Unit = {
Description = "Open %I eww (ElKowar's Wacky Widgets) window";
After = [ "eww.service" ];
PartOf = [ "" ];
Service = {
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = true;
ExecStartPre = "${pkgs.eww}/bin/eww ping";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.eww}/bin/eww open %i";
ExecStop = "${pkgs.eww}/bin/eww close %i";
Restart = "on-failure";
Install.WantedBy = [ "" ];