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wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings = {
"$MOUSE_LMB" = "mouse:272";
"$MOUSE_RMB" = "mouse:273";
"$MOUSE_MMB" = "mouse:274";
"$MOUSE_EX1" = "mouse:275";
"$MOUSE_EX2" = "mouse:276";
"$XF86Favorites" = "164";
bind = [
# Active window
"SUPER, W, killactive,"
"SUPER, F, togglefloating,"
"SUPER, Space, fullscreen, 0"
"SUPER, Space, fullscreen, 1" # maximize
"SUPER_SHIFT, S, layoutmsg, togglesplit"
# Programs
"SUPER, Return, exec, kitty"
# TODO: requires programs
# DE/WM Control programs
# TODO: Requires programs
"SUPER_SHIFT, L, exec, wlogout -p layer-shell"
# Screenshots
# TODO: requires script
# Brightness control
# TODO: requires script
# Audio/Volume control
"SUPER, Down, exec, wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 0.05-"
"SUPER, Up, exec, wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 0.05+"
", XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 0.05-"
", XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 0.05+"
", XF86AudioMute, exec, wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle"
", XF86AudioMicMute, exec, wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SOURCE@ toggle"
# Notifications
# TODO: Requires notification daemon (dunst?)
# Window groups
"SUPER, G, togglegroup,"
"ALT, tab, changegroupactive, f"
"ALT, grave, changegroupactive, b"
# Special workspace (scratchpad)
"ALT, grave, movetoworkspace, special"
"SUPER, grave, togglespecialworkspace,"
# Move window focus
"SUPER, h, movefocus, l"
"SUPER, l, movefocus, r"
"SUPER, k, movefocus, u"
"SUPER, j, movefocus, d"
# Move active window in direction
"SUPER_ALT, h, movewindow, l"
"SUPER_ALT, l, movewindow, r"
"SUPER_ALT, k, movewindow, u"
"SUPER_ALT, j, movewindow, d"
# Move floating windows
# TODO: requires script (move-window.sh)
# Override split direction for next window (manual tiling)
"SUPER_ALT, left, layoutmsg, preselect l"
"SUPER_ALT, right, layoutmsg, preselect r"
"SUPER_ALT, up, layoutmsg, preselect u"
"SUPER_ALT, down, layoutmsg, preselect d"
# Switch workspace (swapping to current monitor)
# TODO: requires script (swap-workspace)
# Move window to workspace
"SUPER_SHIFT, 1, movetoworkspacesilent, 1"
"SUPER_SHIFT, 2, movetoworkspacesilent, 2"
"SUPER_SHIFT, 3, movetoworkspacesilent, 3"
"SUPER_SHIFT, 4, movetoworkspacesilent, 4"
"SUPER_SHIFT, 5, movetoworkspacesilent, 5"
"SUPER_SHIFT, 6, movetoworkspacesilent, 6"
"SUPER_SHIFT, 7, movetoworkspacesilent, 7"
"SUPER_SHIFT, 8, movetoworkspacesilent, 8"
"SUPER_SHIFT, 9, movetoworkspacesilent, 9"
# Move window to workspace + focus it
"ALT, 1, movetoworkspace, 1"
"ALT, 2, movetoworkspace, 2"
"ALT, 3, movetoworkspace, 3"
"ALT, 4, movetoworkspace, 4"
"ALT, 5, movetoworkspace, 5"
"ALT, 6, movetoworkspace, 6"
"ALT, 7, movetoworkspace, 7"
"ALT, 8, movetoworkspace, 8"
"ALT, 9, movetoworkspace, 9"
# Cycle workspaces (relative movement)
"SUPER, mouse_down, workspace, +1"
"SUPER, mouse_up, workspace, -1"
"SUPER, bracketright, workspace, +1"
"SUPER, bracketleft, workspace, -1"
# Cycle monitors (relative movement)
"SUPER_SHIFT, mouse_down, focusmonitor, +1"
"SUPER_SHIFT, mouse_up, focusmonitor, -1"
"SUPER_SHIFT, bracketright, focusmonitor, +1"
"SUPER_SHIFT, bracketleft, focusmonitor, -1"
# Window resizing
# TODO: Submaps + binde
# Isolation group
# TODO: Submaps
bindm = [
# Mouse window resizing
"SUPER, $MOUSE_LMB, movewindow"
"SUPER, $MOUSE_RMB, resizewindow"