ItsDrike 97f7f5da2a
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Move to a much stricter pyright configuration
This moves us from using the "standard" type-checking mode (which has a
lot of the diagnostic rules disabled, which meant we were almost in a
whitelist-based system, where most diagnostic rules were disabled unless
explicitly enabled) to "all" (where all diagnotic rules are enabled,
except for those explicitly disabled, moving us to a blacklist-based

The current configuration here is very strict and might not fit all
code-bases, but it will work very well for new projects, as this
strictness, while slightly annoying sometimes, forces a lot better and
more correct typing to the previous set of rules.

This template still leaves the rules for reporting unknown types
disabled, as these are incredibly strict and while they can definitely
be beneficial, for most people it's too big of an annoyance for what
it's worth.
2024-07-13 13:01:45 +02:00

230 lines
7.2 KiB

name = "python-project"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["ItsDrike <>"]
readme = ""
license = "GPL-3.0-or-later"
packages = [{ include = "src" }]
python = "^3.11"
typing-extensions = "^4.12.2"
poethepoet = "^0.25.0"
ruff = "^0.3.2"
pre-commit = "^3.6.2"
basedpyright = "^1.13.3"
pytest = "^8.1.1"
pytest-asyncio = "^0.23.6"
pytest-cov = "^5.0.0"
pytest-httpx = "^0.30.0"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
target-version = "py311"
line-length = 119
select = ["ALL"]
ignore = [
"C90", # mccabe
"FBT", # flake8-boolean-trap
"CPY", # flake8-copyright
"EM", # flake8-errmsg
"SLF", # flake8-self
"ARG", # flake8-unused-arguments
"TD", # flake8-todos
"FIX", # flake8-fixme
"D100", # Missing docstring in public module
"D104", # Missing docstring in public package
"D105", # Missing docstring in magic method
"D106", # Missing docstring in public nested class
"D107", # Missing docstring in __init__
"D203", # Blank line required before class docstring
"D212", # Multi-line summary should start at first line (incompatible with D211)
"D301", # Use r""" if any backslashes in a docstring
"D401", # First line of docstring should be in imperative mood
"D404", # First word of the docstring should not be "This"
"D405", # Section name should be properly capitalized
"D406", # Section name should end with a newline
"D407", # Missing dashed underline after section
"D408", # Section underline should be in the line following the section's name
"D409", # Section underline should match the length of its name
"D410", # Missing blank line after section
"D411", # Missing blank line before section
"D412", # No blank lines allowed between a section header and its content
"D413", # Missing blank line after last section
"D414", # Section has no content
"D416", # Section name should end with a colon
"D417", # Missing argument descrition in the docstring
"ANN101", # Missing type annotation for self in method
"ANN102", # Missing type annotation for cls in classmethod
"ANN204", # Missing return type annotation for special method
"ANN401", # Dynamically typed expressions (typing.Any) disallowed
"SIM102", # use a single if statement instead of nested if statements
"SIM108", # Use ternary operator {contents} instead of if-else-block
"B904", # Raise without `from` within an `except` clause
"PLR2004", # Using unnamed numerical constants
"PGH003", # Using specific rule codes in type ignores
"E731", # Don't asign a lambda expression, use a def
"S311", # Use `secrets` for random number generation, not `random`
"TRY003", # Avoid specifying long messages outside the exception class
# Redundant rules with ruff-format:
"E111", # Indentation of a non-multiple of 4 spaces
"E114", # Comment with indentation of a non-multiple of 4 spaces
"E117", # Cheks for over-indented code
"D206", # Checks for docstrings indented with tabs
"D300", # Checks for docstring that use ''' instead of """
"Q000", # Checks of inline strings that use wrong quotes (' instead of ")
"Q001", # Multiline string that use wrong quotes (''' instead of """)
"Q002", # Checks for docstrings that use wrong quotes (''' instead of """)
"Q003", # Checks for avoidable escaped quotes ("\"" -> '"')
"COM812", # Missing trailing comma (in multi-line lists/tuples/...)
"COM819", # Prohibited trailing comma (in single-line lists/tuples/...)
"ISC001", # Single line implicit string concatenation ("hi" "hey" -> "hihey")
"ISC002", # Multi line implicit string concatenation
order-by-type = false
case-sensitive = true
combine-as-imports = true
# Redundant rules with ruff-format
force-single-line = false # forces all imports to appear on their own line
force-wrap-aliases = false # Split imports with multiple members and at least one alias
lines-after-imports = -1 # The number of blank lines to place after imports
lines-between-types = 0 # Number of lines to place between "direct" and import from imports
split-on-trailing-comma = false # if last member of multiline import has a comma, don't fold it to single line
max-args = 20
max-branches = 20
max-returns = 20
max-statements = 250
"tests/**.py" = [
"ANN", # annotations
"D", # docstrings
"S101", # Use of assert
line-ending = "lf"
pythonPlatform = "All"
pythonVersion = "3.11"
typeCheckingMode = "all"
# Diagnostic behavior settings
strictListInference = false
strictDictionaryInference = false
strictSetInference = false
analyzeUnannotatedFunctions = true
strictParameterNoneValue = true
enableTypeIgnoreComments = true
deprecateTypingAliases = true
enableExperimentalFeatures = false
disableBytesTypePromotions = true
# Diagnostic rules
reportAny = false
reportImplicitStringConcatenation = false
reportUnreachable = "information"
reportMissingTypeStubs = "information"
reportUninitializedInstanceVariable = false # until
reportMissingParameterType = false # ruff's flake8-annotations (ANN) already covers this + gives us more control
# Unknown type reporting rules (too strict for most code-bases)
reportUnknownArgumentType = false
reportUnknownVariableType = false
reportUnknownMemberType = false
reportUnknownParameterType = false
reportUnknownLambdaType = false
minversion = "6.0"
asyncio_mode = "auto"
testpaths = ["tests"]
addopts = "--strict-markers --cov --no-cov-on-fail"
precision = 2
fail_under = 20
show_missing = true
skip_covered = false
skip_empty = false
sort = "cover"
exclude_lines = [
"\\#\\s*pragma: no cover",
"^\\s*if (typing\\.)?TYPE_CHECKING:",
"^\\s*def __repr__\\(",
"^\\s*class .*\\bProtocol\\):",
"^\\s*raise NotImplementedError",
"^\\s*return NotImplemented",
relative_files = true
parallel = true
branch = true
timid = false
source = ["src"]
cmd = "pre-commit install"
help = "install pre-commit hooks"
cmd = "pre-commit run --all-files"
help = "Run all project linters (via pre-commit)"
cmd = "ruff check --fix ."
help = "Run ruff linter, with automatic issue fixing"
cmd = "ruff format ."
help = "Run ruff formatter"
cmd = "pytest -v --failed-first"
help = "Run pytest tests"
cmd = "basedpyright --warnings ."
help = "Run BasedPyright type-checker"
cmd = "pytest -v --last-failed"
help = "Run previously failed tests using pytest"
cmd = "pytest -v --no-cov --failed-first"
help = "Run pytest tests without coverage"
cmd = "pytest -v --no-cov --last-failed"
help = "Run previously failed tests using pytest without coverage"