For some reason, the default QML Image element doesn't scale SVGs like it should. Essentially, it just reads the source size of the SVG and scales it like it would a regular image (say PNG). I'm fixing this by manually setting the source size of the image to the current size. That said, this is in my opinion a hacky fix and it's really weird that QML doesn't special-case SVGs and scale them as it should. Source:
34 lines
994 B
34 lines
994 B
import QtQuick
import Solitare
Item {
id: cardModel
required property PlayingCard card
required property bool isFaceDown
property string backStyle: "red"
signal clicked
width: 80
height: width * 1.4 // Maintian the aspect ratio of a playing card
Image {
id: cardImage
anchors.fill: parent
source: cardModel.isFaceDown ? "qrc:/img/playing_cards/backs/" + cardModel.backStyle + ".svg" : cardModel.card ? "qrc:/img/playing_cards/fronts/" + cardModel.card.suitString + "_" + cardModel.card.valueString + ".svg" : "qrc:/img/playing_cards/backs/blue.svg"
// This makes sure the SVG scales properly, otherwise it would
// attempt to scale the image from the original source size, which
// can end up being blurry.
sourceSize: Qt.size(width, height)
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: cardModel.clicked()