# Task4 for AP7SC ## Installation ### For production/running If you only wish to run the project and you're not interested in doing some further development, you can simply use `pip` and `venv` to install all the necessary dependencies: > [!NOTE] > Make sure you're in the root directory of the project (the same folder that this README file is in). ```bash # Create & activate python virtual environment python -m venv .venv . .venv/bin/activate # Install the dependencies python -m pip install -e . ``` This will only install the runtime dependencies, necessary to actually run the code. (The development dependencies will not be installed.) The dependencies will be installed into their own isolated virtual environment, which won't interfere with the system-wide python dependencies. ### For development This project uses [`rye`](https://rye.astral.sh/), which is a dependency management tool for python. You will need to install it. (On Arch Linux, you can run `pacman -S rye`.) Once you get `rye` installed, go to the project's root directory and run: ```bash rye sync ``` This will install all of the necessary dependencies you'll need to run this project, including the development dependencies in a virtual environment. To then activate this environment, you can run: ```bash . .venv/bin/activate ``` ## Running To run the project, make sure you've activated your virtual environment first, then simply execute: ```bash python -m src ``` ## Results The results are shown in the report file: [report.pdf](./report.pdf)