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# Installation
This is a full NixOS installation guide, from live cd to a working OS.
Once done, you will be left with a complete system, that uses my configuration.
This installation will push to use flakes out of the box, configuration.nix will
only be needed to add support for flakes and rebuild.
## Live ISO
This assumes you've chosen one of the ISO images with a graphical installer, and
followed though with the installation, getting you to a basic NixOS installation.
During this installation, make sure you allow non-free programs, and in the desktop environment selection, pick the option without any DE, we'll get to install that ourselves.
## Set up configuration.nix
First thing you'll need to do is to make your useer account own the
`/etc/nixos` directory. You'll want to do this to allow you to easily manage
your config with git (which is a requirement when using flakes). You can use
system wide git, however it is much more convenient to just leave it to the
user, as you'll have your git configuration there.
cd /etc/nixos
sudo chmod -R itsdrike:users .
Out of the box, NixOS only comes with `nano` editor, so we'll have to use that to edit the `configuration.nix` for the first time.
nano configuration.nix
In there, change the `environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [];` like, and include `git` and `vim`.
After that, let's enable flakes, by adding the following at the end of your `configuration.nix` (but still within the function body - before the last `}`):
nix = {
package = pkgs.nixUnstable;
extraOptions = ''
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
Now you can save the changes and rebuild the system:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
## Set up flakes
Now, since a git repository is required for flakes, let's set up git:
git config --global user.email "itsdrike@protonmail.com"
git config --global user.name "ItsDrike"
Now we have 2 options, the first one I'll show will set up my configuration
from this repository. Once done, you will have your system set up in the same
way that I do. In the second option, I will go over a basic setup to create
your own flake.
## Set up with my configuration
Finally, we're ready to migrate to flakes. At this point, you can simply pull this repository
to the `/etc/nixos` directory, to get my setup, like so:
git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/ItsDrike/nixdots
git branch -M main
git pull origin main
## Create your own custom flake
Initialize an empty git repository:
git init
Create a very basic `/etc/nixos/flake.nix`:
description = "ItsDrike's NixOS configuration";
inputs = {
# the version here should match your system.stateVersion in configuration.nix
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ...} @ inputs: {
nixosConfigurations = {
nixos = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [ ./configuration.nix ];
This flake will still rely on your `configuration.nix`, we will eventually get
to a config which does not need this file, but to make starting out with flakes
simple, we'll do it in this way for now.
Let's add things to git!
git add flake.nix
git add configuration.nix
git add hardware-configuration.nix
Now you can run `sudo nixos-rebuild switch`. Yay, you're now using NixOS in flakes mode!
> [!NOTE]
> If you run the `sudo nixos-rebuild switch` command before adding all of these
> files to git, you will get an error, so it really is a requirement to have
> your configuration in a git repository when you're using flakes.
You can notice that this also created a `flake.lock` file, containing the exact
versions of all of the packages you're using. Let's add this file to git too:
`git add flake.lock`.
And now we're ready to make our first commit:
git commit -m "Initial commit"
## Updating
Over time, to update the software that's installed on your machine, you can use
`nix flake update`, to update your `flake.lock` file, and then `nixos-rebuild
switch`, to get switch your system to the new dependencies.
> [!TIP]
> This replaces the legacy (non-flake) regime's command: `nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade`